
So these insane color choices and crazy wheels are ok, but black and gold is terrible? Literally almost the exact same color scheme with baby blue is not terrible, but this is?

Pubs sell non alcoholic drinks too. It's not uncommon to pop down the pub for a 'swift-half' (half pint of bitter) and a natter with the locals.

Honestly, I think this lawsuit and settlement are absolutely absurd. People will sue for anything these days, and courts let them get away with it. It'd actually quite pathetic, and I don't need $10 so badly that I'm going to be a part of it.

Jalopnik, making Autoblog interesting since 2012

This was so factually inaccurate I thought Doug wrote it.

They should totally do that. I suggest also war games on the Falklands. For opfor invite the Germans, since they too have a record of beating the Argentinians!

Meanwhile the British Prime Minister announced this morning that the aircraft carrier the HMS Invincible has been directed for deployment off the coast of Argentina with three squadrons of Harriers. Also two SAS regiments have been deployed. The PM stated; "We shall not stand for such uncivilized treatment of a

Have you read the claims being made?

Please go find a bridge, lay under it, and wait for it to fall on you.

It's called every roadway in every Third World country.

This is a great example of why road design is more important to safety than posted signs and laws.

Now playing

Get off the sidewalks? GET OFF LAKE SHORE DRIVE!!!

Which can be countered with less weight. The current generation car is around 276 lbs lighter than the S2000. The S2000 does have better hp/weight ratio... but so what? The Miata is still around. Where is the S2000? For that matter, where is Honda? busy building CUVs and sedans. If you want to name brands that have

Nothing like avoiding the argument in order to win. Enjoy the pool! :)

How is it, at this point, that Torch has not been swallowed up by some giant slithering media conglomerate, and forever banished from the land of the Jalops?

Stay with us, Jason, stay with us, lo the serpent is creeping.

Because drifters aren't trying? This is awesome. And yes, in my mind as well, this is more interesting than pro drifting. But automotive enjoyment isn't a zero sum game. Elevating one form of autosport, doesn't have to mean tearing down another.

We need some sort of a system. For example:
10 hoots = 1 darn
10 darns = 1 damn
10 damns = 1 rat's ass
10 rat's asses = 1 crap
10 craps = 1 shit
10 shits = 1 fuck
10 fucks = 1 fucking shit
10 fucking shits = 1 clusterfuck
10 clusterfucks = 1 Jesus tap-dancing Christ
Anything beyond this point becomes a multiple of previous