
Motto for "from now on:"


I held that shift-key tight, so you know I'm serious!

We used to have this thing called reading, which would have led to this issue being addressed and this comment being unnecessary.

Yesterday I saw The Marvellous Miss Take in the Steam Sale at 50%, so I took a punt on it. I've only played it for 45 minutes, so I can't give a proper opinion on it, but right now I'm enjoying it a lot.

Sad, so sad...

How will he ever show his family?

Merry Christmas from Colonel Sanders and WalrusGuy.

Except . . . you know . . . not the same thing at all.

While I respect your opinion, you're wrong.

Maybe if he bought 99 Nokia phones instead, they could have been... N-Gage'd

The wizard from the moon "swatted" him.

Vale ya nos ha quedado claro de qué lado estás, de la minoría.

The graphics have been slowly updated, its more of an art style really, but there really is only so much you can do with a 10 year old game. That said, have you seen the new character models? They are quite impressive. And some areas have been completely retextured.

Zelda: A Link Between worlds was one of the highest rated games of 2013. Persona 4, Bravely Default, Tales of Xililla 2, Atelier Rorona Plus, Phoenix Wright, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Dark Souls 2, Ultra Street Fighter 4, Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea, Freedom Wars, Pokemon. And we have games to look forward to like FF

This a proto version of the meme that never took off, from August of this year.

Congrats on giving us the D no one was expecting.

Not at all, until this gen I was Xbox-only. I'm now playing catchup with a PS3 and putting all my time into PS4.

Marketed it towards bro-gamers and ruined the online community, increased price of Gold and features for the US but didn't add new features for Europe, unreliable hardware, focus on new technology that we had to foot the bill for originally then dropped (though that's an Xbox 1 issue not 360).

Aaaaaaa, you had me there for a second.