
Recreate all the backgrounds!

Communist Kickball. FUCKING YES.

No, that would be baseball

Didn't they say it was free to play for Gold Subcribers only?

Yea I preordered the ps4 yesterday an the guy working at GameStop said they were only going to get 6 xbox one for preorder and 60 ps4. This is because of gauged interest in the machines. I lnew sony was winning but I didn't realize the level of interest was 10x more than the Xbox.

While it isn't fun to you, it is however fun to others. I enjoy the items off/non kill stages because at that point it puts the two people together to see what they can really do with their characters. My group plays this way because it allows (for us at least) even more sense of cheering/crazy moments because it was

But it was fun as hell.


I can't stand behind Microsoft's business practices for this one. There's a plethora of things that could go wrong. They didn't showcase much that was Xbox exclusive, game wise, that made me care. They have two major titles that are going Xbox One that aren't going PS4 near launch, which are Forza and Ryse, with PS4

This is why many of us aren't.

I'm not worried about Sony for this one. I haven't heard or read a lick of negatives about their next console except that it's not out yet. The NeXtbox on the other hand... Online activation, lackluster RAM, the requirement to use that stupid Kinect camera and it must be on at all times to be used basically as spyware

Any Mario game where multiple people play at the same time isn't about winning, it's about trying to make other people lose. Mario Kart, Mario Party, New Super Mario Bros; it's all about causing chaos.

From top left:

Video games helped me become a better reader. Once I started grasping how to read, RPG games became much more interesting, having all those different characters, plots and all the fun things that an RPG brings. I read constantly in RPG's which helped me become a much stronger reader than I most likely would have

I agree. MGS didn't teach me about Kant and his philosophies, but it definitely made me think about the world differently. I think it's similar to Vietnam War movies like Platoon and Full Metal Jacket.

haha I torrented the same ep for my Family and everyone got mad at me as if I was the one that broke it while we were watching it on the bigscreen.

I just looked him up in the archive. Your grandfather is truly deserving of the title "badass".
