
While they, Sony, may have wanted to at one point, it never got nearly as far as Microsoft's did; where they attempted to just wait out the typhoon in hopes that people would quit caring about it. Then they saw the numbers coming back from retailers and they panicked, removed the DRM restrictions via firmware patch,

The fee being the entire product's worth, since that's what Microsoft said the fee would be. If it was a game within 3 months of launch, the fee was full price.

Who said anything about child rape? That's disgusting on multiple levels instead of just one.

Why would you punch a Jewish person in the first place?

I used it to grab as many people's attention as possible. It worked.

The "family" care would have been for family. If you think that they would have let you just give free copies of your games to friends, that wouldn't have happened.

As for used games, I buy games used if you can't find them new, which is fairly common as they quit going to print within a couple months. There's too

Not really. Since their press release of the console, I was done with Microsoft. I got up, sold my 360 (that limited Halo 4 edition one, I was indeed a Microsoft fanboy), and left them behind. I wasn't going to allow a company to tell me what I buy isn't mine. I wasn't going to be part of the sheep that just followed

They didn't listen to their customers or care what you said; they saw the numbers and realized they were going to lose millions if not billions of dollars. They were worried about going bankrupt. They're hoping that this brings back tons of people, that's all their doing.

When the average Gamestop has almost a 10:1

So you want to tape a piece of paper to the front of your kinect? Because THAT'S worth doing. When that's what you have to resort to so that you can feel more comfortable with your device, then the wonder is why even choose that device in the first place?

What extra bloatware? They have three OS running on their

Yes, you're right, they are there. Thankfully, Sony's official stance was to let gamers do what they've been doing since the beginning of console gaming which was the winning stance to take. The ToU for Kinect also says they can sell and distribute all information obtained from the Kinect to anyone they choose, hence

I said that to grab people's attention, and it worked.

They were treating you not as consumers but as sheep. The sad part is that there are still thousands of people that were completely ok with being sheep apparently.

So you're upset that they removed Linux and don't let you use what's technically illegal content on their consoles? Ripping any video from a DVD or Blu-Ray is illegal; it has been for years. What exactly is the problem there? Also, I have no issues using rips of videos and what not on my PS3.

So you'd rather support

Whoa there, tiger. You're the reason the media has a field day with gamers whenever there's a school that gets shot up.

Also, I wouldn't be the reason a woman is afraid to walk to her car. I have no interest in rape, being raped or raping someone. You're just crazy.

You can do the instant switching on PS4. That's why I thought it was funny that people believed it was an Xbox One80 exclusive. It's not. Sony talked about it during their console unveiling and it was also shown at the end of the E3 Sony post show conference.

Family sharing is gone. They said it's gone, so it's gone.

Plus, they were supposed to be some ways to verify your family members and it sounds like it could be a problem at some point anyways. Microsoft wasn't releasing enough details about it to really give you much of an idea of how it'd actually work.

Kinect is still required to be plugged in for the Xbox to work. There is no option 2.

The cloud was a bunch of bull the way they described it. The tech to do what they were saying it would do isn't possible, especially with the current internet speeds of the majority of the planet being what they are: slow.

So uh... What exactly makes the Xbox better than the PS4 now? Not Call of Duty since it's on both. Not Halo since it's basically the same game that it was 9 years ago. Not Gears of War since that franchise has also become heavily diluted and the last installment was considered mediocre. So what, exactly, is a good

Steam also gives you far better sales and better prices the majority of the time. I haven't paid full price for a single game I own on Steam with a single exception being Skyrim. Everything else I have I got for 30-90% off. Microsoft doesn't do those kinds of sales and when they do, it's usually on old as hell games

What, exactly, did we lose from this? You can still do stuff in the background, you can still switch between what you're doing and still go from store to matchmaking. At least on PS4 you can. Then to top it all off, consumers gained their rights to their products back, which was a huge victory. When you buy the games,