
This video does a good job of illustrating the difference in how women show their emotions compared to their male counterparts. I think all I did was raise my eyebrows and say "Saw that coming. They've been pointing to this happening for weeks now." I was only surprised by the orchestra having crossbows.

I was gleeful

iOS only? Free 2 Pay? Ugh. I was really looking forward to this one too... Oh well, I guess I'll throw my money at someone else instead.

I tell people this all the time. I'm always telling people to read the actual studies in how they were conducted and to think about what they read themselves and not what someone else told them about the study. A lot of the studies that I've read show results from immediatly testing after playing a video game, but

I don't see people like me, where you play through a game and that's it. I don't really socialize most of the time with my gaming and exploration only comes with specific titles. If the game is really good then I may end up getting every achievement for it, but that's only when the game was extremely good, beyond

And if you honestly think that same exact thing doesn't go for men, then you're spouting sheer ignorance on that one.

If a guy is born with the wrong body type or a derpy, that's that. No amount of surgery or gym visitation will fix that and if he's wearing make up, well good luck. If he has that square body build, he

I've heard that exact phrase from my bosses mouth before. The old fashioned "you should be happy to have your job" line. When I heard her say that, I laughed at her and quit later that day. She was pulling me along for a promotion for far longer than she should have so I was just done. I had found another job and

I usually still try to go for the hard copy for a few reasons. It doesn't go with my console if it breaks (I'm on my 3rd PS3, 7th 360), I can let my friends borrow the games to try them out, or borrow games from my friends if they're hard copies and if anything happens to where I haven't downloaded the game yet and I

Booty booty booty booty rockin' everywhere!

First off, you're obviously a feminist as you're just spewing misandry left and right. That's o.k. though, at least in our culture.

For your first comment, the 'epidemic' of violence and sexual assault on men, the issue with that one is that most men will not, like women, report it. When a woman assaults a man, either

Oh man, I'm not sure if you're trolling or not. I could tear this ignorant post to shreds with so much factual jargon.

Doesn't matter what Xbox does now. They lost a metric ton of customers and will continue to do so. Their DRM will only hurt us. Requiring the console to check your disk at regular intervals during the game or lose the ability to play? Sounds awesome.

Will this come out for more than iOS or will we have to wait forever for nothing if we don't use an apple phone?

You, sir, have the most amazing grandfather ever. He was a man among men through thick and thin. A hero to those that he saved.

Honestly one of my favorite albums of theirs is the Tron album. They did an awesome job on it

The problem that I have with the no used games is very different than the problem's most people are talking about, which is financially. My issue with no used games isn't about money in the slightest, but about availability.

The real problem is that producers quit printing copies of a game after a point, usually

Oh man, another good reason to buy a PSP Vita... I can't wait to get one

Run Photoshop or After Effects and tell me your shit isn't running hot.

In my humble opinion, both look bad.

8 was bad, 9 was omfg awful. Don't even try 9. The Gamecube ones aren't terrible though.

I find it fun to play with others. My friends and I call it "the game that ruins friendships" but we continue playing. The older ones are more fun than the newer ones, so we usually play Mario Party 2 or 3 instead.