
If I had an iPad, I'd probably get FF1-3 and if they cut the prices of FFT: War of the Lions, I'd pick that up too. I only buy things on sale, though, so I'm a little biased haha

Some people just shouldn't be allowed to procreate. He obviously was one of them. There should be a license and a test you have to pass to be allowed to have children to help stop overpopulation as well as promote genetic growth of the human species instead of slowly killing the human race.

WTH they cut the video at Wolfgang Gartner?! LAME LAME LAME!

I just had four people I know obtain nearly full custody of their children and how both parties for 3 of them went about it. It is skewed in the women's favor. A mother without a job, living with parents and lack of income wins majority custody for time and full physical custody three of the four times over the full

While they may have "complex" problems such as those, they wouldn't be skewed as complex by the majority when compared to other problems, such as hijacking a boat to destroying an outpost while taking the data on the laptop within the outpost because the islanders wouldn't need that. It wouldn't benefit them or they

I do know that women do serve in the military, but not on the front lines where fps military shooters take place. Yes, there is some lack of reality in the games, but if you died in one shot and had to start at the beginning of the level, or better yet just made it so you had to start over from the beginning of the

I get annoyed when they talk about it being sexist too. For instance, there was a comment on there being no females in military shooters. Uhm... Currently in the U.S. women aren't allowed on the front lines, why would there be women in them? Then there's the problem that if you're shooting up a woman in a video game,

No, I'm not a minority, you're right, though I'm far from spoiled. Far, far from it. I was a different form of minority, where "redneck" and "hillbilly" were the common terms. Lived in a trailer park for years. Worked our way out of it and continuing further. I "grew the fuck up" and did what was required of me while

I couldn't care if you nerfed my favorite gun or class. If it was nerfed, it was probably overpowered. I'll live with the nerf, just like I'll live with being a minority. Bitching and moaning will not change me from being a minority and magically make more of my race come into existence. That's not how the world works.

No, they don't. Which is why women aren't going to be on the front lines. They did a study on it as well, with the reasoning behind it logical. Men will make less logical choices with women in those situations because most men's instinct, and to a lesser extent society makes men believe they should and women believe

The first thing that gets people interested in you is your looks. After the looks then they'll start looking at the personality. The issue is, though, that your looks will come first to finding you attractive because they usually don't talk to you before seeing you. Also, if they want to see you on a regular basis,

May not be savage, but far from "modernized" for sure.

When they're bringing the topic with a broad statement as to guide people astray, then it's a problem. There's little valid argument there. You're in an unmodern civilization and culture where they would ask for tasks to be done that would be beneficial to their way of life. Then people scream that it's racist because

Weird, I made logical points as to why it's an attack on video games in other comments underneath this one while also pointing out the logical fallacies within the idea that the game is somehow racist for showing a race where they would be located on the globe. Odd, I guess adults just want everyone to be equally

Which is disgusting. It's ok though, white people will be a minority in America in about 20 years.

Disprove my points with logic, genius.

Man ain't that the truth. If only I had that much control in the court room when it comes to children simply for being a woman. No job, lives with parents, get nearly full control of child and I get child support and other allowances from my ex? Yes please.

Yeah, people do get upset when they bring race into something when it's not racist. It's not racist when you're putting people that would normally live there, there. It's people attacking something simply because they personally believe it somehow affects them as well as to gain attention to themselves, even if it's a

So as long as the lack of logic caters to your wants, it's cool, but if it caters to making gameplay worth playing while still staying reasonbly within the norms of society, it's bad? Ok.

So you won't play a game that doesn't have a female protagonist? What? That is just a little skewed. I also thought it was amusing that used a picture of Mario without hair even though in games he has hair without a hat on, such as Mario Galaxy, Mario 64, etc.