
Yeah I did check it out. Looks like he's one of those lucky born.

I went from shift supervisor (promoted) at about $9/hr to about the same then $30/hr so I don't mind that I'm gone from there. I didn't even like sales.

If they don't have the original box art or booklet, they're half off and the prices are usually better than just a meager $5 less. They also give you far more money for trading in your games since renting games in Japan is illegal. It's all around a better system.

I've got to ask; what does he do for a living? He's doing fantastically well for his age and I'm quite envious though more interested in learning how he did it. Otherwise, great article. I've always loved McClaren far more than Ferrari and I'm more than happy that they opened the door for him and let him check it all

One of the many reasons I hate Gamestop. Everything showed that the employee wasn't playing on a single cue from the customer at all. First off, yes it is the employee's job to hassle you to get a preorder/sub/warranty. Did he do it in the wrong way in every department? Absolutely.

One of the many reasons I hate Gamestop. Everything showed that the employee wasn't playing on a single cue from the customer at all. First off, yes it is the employee's job to hassle you to get a preorder/sub/warranty. Did he do it in the wrong way in every department? Absolutely.

Holy fuck that is the most insane patent trolling I've heard of to this day. The amount of money over the most ridiculous patents in existence boggles my mind. Does that mean that my mods for even World of Warcraft, which have some rounded squares, can be sued over?! What the fuck were those jurors thinking?!

We don't even have the Spicy McChicken anywhere near me in San Diego. It's a damn shame. I had one while I was in Vegas and loved it and have been waiting since for them to bring it to the San Diego region.

Huh, I really like that used game policy. It'll never work here because Gamestop likes money too much but that's a fantastic model of used game sales.

Square sits on one hell of a high horse to think that people are willing to spend so much money on their games when lately their new games have been garbage.

It'll be $20 in a month or two because people won't spend that much on Angry Birds. Not enough people.

I would like to see Seiken Densetsu 3 rereleased but in English on the Virtual Console or PSN or XBLA. I would buy that in a nanosecond. It's one of my favorite games of all time but I can only play it on an emulator because it's not available in English in the US :[

Video's already been taken down.

They didn't have the items to make tools, which is probably a lack of wood. Without wood, you can't make a pickaxe at all, or much of anything. They said that players were making homes out of dirt, so it's not at all unrealistic that they wouldn't have wood. The cobblestone generator would be useless without wood and

I'm thinking more like all games for 10/20 a month and it'd be similar to Netflix where you don't get to play them as soon as they come out, but a week or two after they're released it'll be available. That would be a service people would be interested in. There's only a handful of games that people really want on the

I dunno, I just watched "Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever" and that was completely awful. It has a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It was garbage. If you're interested in watching it, it's on Netflix.

The only way that OnLive would have worked really well would have been to have the service as more of a subscription fee type of deal where people payed, lets say, $20 a month and could play whatever games they wanted. I'm sure more people would have signed up to use the service if they had.

Odd. Gamestop recently announced that they were doing a cloud gaming service soon and then an unknown new company buys up OnLive? Could be some new subsidiary of Gamestop.

Well when I read NP, they generally gave worthwhile reviews back when I read it which was ages ago. I never read Xbox though that was mostly due to not really playing mine. It mostly gathered dust before I sent it off. Most of Playstation's reviews were worthwhile but they really oversold some games. They gave games

It must have just been me then. I didn't like the game nearly as much as Playstation hyped it up to be. They made it sound as though it was the best game to come out and would be this godly, amazing thing. They oversold it to me and it ended up making me not nearly as interested as I thought I would be when I actually