
I have no idea if it does, was going to try. I was going to get that new Samsung phone that comes with a stylus that's relatively new. I guess it just depends on what the phone is being used for, honestly.

I play a couple but only with friends and I only buy them if they're on an extremely good sale, like the 10c sale. I used to play games on OMGPop with a couple friends since we all live an hour or more driving distance away before it was bought out by Zynga. If none of my friends played any of their games, I would

I'm not quite sure how WoW relates to him going out and killing people. My friend has over 300k hk's and there's no way in hell he could do anything (Justicer). He's as frail as can be. One of the lesser articles I've read so far.

Damn people got all into that. This one's just not that interesting to me, but neither was the Tupac one.

I need to get a stylus for my phone, or just carry around my 3ds stylus.

Bought the app when it was on sale for 10c. Was worth it.

Yeah me too, made me sad as well. I've been having a sad day today and that one nailed home like no other.

Watch the anime Eve no Jikan, touches on androids as well in a very interesting way.

It's not really an anime style, more of the historically correct style of drawing in Japan.

Holy shit, this is weird. I'm on the fifth gym of the game so far (first one of course) and I thought it was odd that they were doing a story. Hot damn I might actually have to get the second one now.

It's on like dat Donkey Kong!

Can someone please explain what the point of these two games are and what they mean to pokemon? I don't get why there's sequels in the first place and what's going on in the slightest. What makes these games worth buying?

I thought the same thing though I still think it's his hand. I'm not sure though.

My favorite no's in that one are The Powerpuff Girls (it was so weak it made me chuckle), Woody, Lelouche of Code Geass and I think the Sully one was quite good as well. I recognized almost all of the movies, the one game and tv shows in that. Holy hell.

I'm an SNES fanboy. Everything since then has been lackluster. SNES forever!

The only reason I would really hate to see used games go is because of the fact that they do quit making games after a while and I may not be able to pick up the game for many a year after the release. This is where used games come in. The only answer to that would be for digital distribution for all the games and

Can you provide a link? :D Also, does it work with iTunes?

Ugh, it's terrible really. They only play 30 second clips of songs if that. If they played full songs it'd be 100x better, but they don't.

Holy shit I've been struggling to go to college every day and he got hit with 130,000?! /jealous

It might have to do with the fact that the job sucks, the pay sucks, and people like me do everything they can to avoid ending up in those kinds of dead end jobs. Do I want to get paid $10/hr cutting down trees are $12/hr working at Starbucks? I'll take $12 at Starbucks, thanks.