
I thought the same thing.

Not binge drinking could be because they dislike how their parents do it every single night. The video games thing, probably because it's fun and it's a fairly easy outlet to get into when you live in a society that can be very high stress, especially when it comes to school. Lastly, the non interest in women could be

I would Tell myself three things:

That's the remake of Lunar: Silver Star Story on PSP. I wasn't sure at first either. It looked like Lunar from where he was standing and the whole scene but the sprites were far too good to be the old PS1 version so I had to look it up. All in all, it's a pretty good game, I'd suggest playing it. Even with how old it

Props to him, I only guessed the month. The actual day was well done, and it would almost have to be a Tuesday as the majority of releases get released on a Tuesday for whatever reason.

Well hopefully more people are voting with their wallets and not buying garbage DLC or the majority of DLC to say the least. There is some DLC that's worth the bucks (hello GTA4, Red Dead Redemption, Borderlands) simply because of the amount of content. Most of it though... Not so much.

Well it's also looking like newer consoles are becoming more and more similar to computers than ever with removable hard drives, USB drives, installation of games, web browsers and things like Netflix. They're still a pretty far ways off but it wouldn't be much of a shocker to see the next consoles be much more

I guess that depends on the person, though. I played tons and tons of Counterstrike, Diablo 2 and SF 3rd Strike compared to SF4. The occasional DLC is understandable. Buying a game for 60 bucks then having to buy a new game for 40-50 bucks in less than a year that's the same game bugs the hell out of me. That content

I'm with you on that one. They're at least not 3 years old screaming at people. Great way to raise a child I say.

yeah it took a bit too much time to me but oh well, that's how things seem to be. Well, here's to hoping they take this opprotunity to make something that's a wild stretch from the norm like they did with MM again.

Well the gameplay still plays well so it wouldn't hurt to go back and pick it up. I honestly picked it up at my now ex's house and first played it there. She asked me for help and I ended up playing the hell out of the game.

I really liked FF7 but still enjoyed FF8. FF7 was the first FF game I played through the entire game of but it wasn't the first FF game, Final Fantasy Tactics took that one. There was some things I didn't like in both (monsters that leveled with you bothered me in FF8) but I understand what you're saying. Now, though,

At least the world where Link stays a kid and has an actual adventure as a child. That world was very different and full of awesome new stuff, like swimming. I think that's the only Zelda game that had full on swimming. Some of those dungeons were incredibly well designed also and the time mechanic was brilliantly

Well I wouldn't say most people hate it, but they really dislike it and complain that it wasn't nearly as good as OoT. Yes, OoT was awesome but MM was just such a new spin that really made it stand apart.

Man I remember Stone Tower. That was an awesome design and I will admit I remember having trouble with that one. If they did a remake of MM, I'd buy it up in a heartbeat.

Mine as well, I really enjoyed the game. They had so much innovative stuff in that game it was just awesome. I also loved how you could upgrade your sword in that one and how it was totally separate than the other Zelda game's in how you did it. The dungeons were also awesome.

And there's a reason I quit buying Capcom games. They usually tag on SO MUCH DLC and SO MUCH BULLSHIT with their games. Hello 3 version of Street Fighter 4. Hello 2 versions of MvC3. Hello insane amounts of useless DLC for both games (skin bonanza) and DLC characters. Another company that is downright awful about DLC

What an idiot. Why wouldn't an otaku have standards for what they're looking for too? I've turned down women because they thought most of my hobbies were stupid or a waste of time. Bitch, go back to watching Toddlers in Tiara's and Teen Mom. Now THAT is a waste of time.

I really don't get why everyone hated Majora's Mask. I loved that game. It was hard. It was fun. It had unique elements to it that other Zelda games didn't have. It was an awesome game and was a really adventurous step from the normal type of Zelda adventures. It's honestly a shame that people really hated it as it

I buy Android apps whenever I can just to get rid of the ads honestly. I wouldn't say that more Android users came from Linux, though I'd easily agree with you if you were to say that more Linux users use Android phones than iPhones.