
@kyzur: I have to say. Throughout your posts your english usage is awful, you're racist, obviously a troll, a fanboy for xbox it seems and overall a person that could be identified as a complete hypocrite. I wonder what it would be like to live a week in your shoes, to see only about 5 feet in front of my face at all

@gmcannon: I think that if you get banned you shouldn't lose the ability to play your games, only that you lose the ability to use any online features of the games or any community feature such as the forums, messaging, etc. I've never heard of anyone getting banned though, you must have really pissed em off.

Make another Super Metroid esque game that's a sidescroller. It will sell well over a million copies and please the fans all in one go. Do it Nintendo, do it.

@Musouka: The statement still stands that the vast majority of their products are overpriced.

Man that's a shame. I always liked reading manuals about the characters and who they were, a bit of backstory as well as what the story's about in the game in the manual on my way home as I usually walk to get my games if I pick them up from a money stealing retailer.

Nothing new here, just Microsoft ripping off it's customers like usual. Move along folks.

@Rasenganfan2: You can edit your posts. It's the pencil under your name.

@riggs: Since Activision's takeover by Kotick, I would safely assume that he wouldn't see the use of spending that extra sum on the QA for the PC release. We're talking about a person who will drain every possible bit of money from any line of games and cares nothing of those that make or use his products, only his

@avprox777: It is over-hyped and there are better games, it's just that this game is what's fresh and new. In that sense, the multiplayer will indeed be better due to having a larger playerbase. Other than that though, they didn't add anything that's all that amazing that other shooters haven't done already. Life

@dullikm13: Excellent way to describe this situation. Well done :]

@Crazy_O: It's not a multiplayer only issue and it only happens to some people. I've got a friend with almost the exact build as me (he has less RAM and that's it) that doesn't have any framerate issues while myself and 4 other friends of mine have huge framerate drops and skips.

I've been having the same issues. My framerates are awful and it's the only game that I have that they're so horrendous. I've lowered every setting possible to try to cope but it wasn't any noticeable change. I then found out that it was consuming such an insane amount of memory that none of my games even came close

@unruly: I'm sure they charged more to Microsoft, but they could also argue that it was to do with when they signed it versus other companies, how the value of the dollar was, what the economy was like, etc etc. The other problem is that this is extremely vague of a statement in what was originally posted.

@abbe: What isn't overpriced on the Microsoft side? I only used the crappy Wi-Fi adapter as an example since, you know, every other "next gen" console came with it day one. Even the Wii came out with it. I'd even call their regular controller overpiced considering it comes with a d-pad that might as well be labeled

@Dynosaulo: Gamestop does this, in case you didn't know. Go to Amazon, check the price of new games or damn near any other video game seller. Then go to Gamestop. Oh look, you just saved money!

@Cochese 2.0: Your second argument completely conflicts with your first, sorry. If they signed the contract and it said they could charge them X amount of money and they said sure, then that's that. Now Microsoft is only complaining about the fact that they found out others got charged less and want to sue them for

I'm on Motorola's side for this. Microsoft's accessories are expensive as hell and for no reason AND usually come with far less features as it's competitors. Most of them are lower quality than many other products but cost two-five times as much for absolutely no reason. The simple things like no rechargeable

I played this at Comic-con and I have to say, it wasn't that fun. Considering that was almost 5 months ago and all they've added is the ability to choose 3 characters vs 3 characters and have not added any new characters, new attacks or even a new background in those 5 months, I'm not impressed in the slightest.