
@Oogzy: Also, just because Nintendo is linked to someone else doesn't mean Nintendo was the sole reason that controller existed. I'm positive that those are connecting to both and are more than likely similar thoughts within similar time periods.

@TanyaRei: They're going by the year of release. After looking it up, those are correct numbers. So in other words, what exactly are you talking about? Unless you mean some unheard of, unknown, worthless no-name brand gaming entity, I'm lost.

@Lin-Lynn: Well for brick and mortar, there's no where cheaper than Gamestop because it costs a lot more to run and maintain a physical store than a virtual website. If I'm unsure, what I'll generally do is go to Gamestop and do some browsing. If I find a game that's peaked my interest, I'll pick it up used. If I

@Lin-Lynn: Places such as Amazon. Gamestop is generally only 5 dollars less than MSRP, which isn't much. For instance, Super Smash Brothers Brawl (picked a random game that's semi popular and has a decent price tag) goes for 39.99 used from Gamestop while Amazon has one for 25.50 as of this post. Considering you get

@jbaranski: Well then you have the issue of what is online and what isn't with todays type of market. For the vast majority of games there's some type of online component, whether it's the junk on the store they have for it, the updates, or the actual online portion of the game for games such as Starcraft and Call of

Hmm maybe I should look into get Netflix finally.

@jbaranski: Well that's how licensing works and has worked for a while. A prime example of this would be Blizzard's Starcraft II or World of Warcraft. You only own a license for the game, not the actual game. Since you own a license, they can revoke your license of the game at any time.

Who even shops at Gamestop? That place is a complete ripoff.

@dowingba: Which requires only lucky and a high probability of wasting massive amounts of money on previous lottery tickets, whereas being good at just about any game requires some form of skill.

Would have been awesome if he somehow made the decor' around the track in sync with the music. Felt like an awesome music video.

@TanyaRei: Just because someone else thought of it first doesn't mean they made it first.

@dowingba: Considering you can be good at Smash Brothers and win *real* money and it's also played at tournaments, it's still a "competitive" game whether you like it or not. The same can be said for people that think console FPS games aren't "competitive" compared to PC or how SSF4 is "simple mode" compared to SF:TS