Why Michael Fassbender walked away from that is beyond me.
Why Michael Fassbender walked away from that is beyond me.
fair and balanced
I still haven't started watching yet, but this is the first time I've gotten a really good look at Abbie. GOOD GOD SHE'S GORGEOUS
"Lens flares? In Hell?"
"Not the Momma!"
Well, I for one, can rest easy now.
Did anyone else catch the comment about trying to "cope with my lack of multimillions in the bank?" That's his totally unironic idea of himself: he's this tragic hero who thought he'd end up richer. HILARIOUS, SPENCER. You are a treasure. Isn't that just a perfect post-post-modern picture of twenty-first century…
Oh, for fuck's sake. He literally said that he COPED BY EATING PIE.
Agreed. The thing I find most surprising about this story is that they're STILL TOGETHER. I'm weirdly impressed.
There may be an answer for people suffering from traumatic brain injuries. It's a device called a…
I still have this on in the background so I'm sure there is more delight to come but I just heard her say something about a SOUL HARVEST.
nope,def mentally ill. she's been ranting about aliens, illuminati, & other such bs for years now
She needs intense psychiatric care. I say this with genuine concern, not sarcasm. I have nothing else to say, other than that. Just wow.
She's always been extremely unstable, but I think the real turning point came after her girlfriend Casey Johnson died. I remember seeing a bunch of pap videos where she would come out of her house and suddenly start rambling to the photographers about really weird shit. I suggest that we file this under "Amanda…
I've been to that Hell's Kitchen bar before. Many times actually. I would've been gutted if I missed Zayne.
thats how I always felt about Biebster
The transformation is complete, young Bieber is worthy of the iron throne.
The black Périgord truffle, revered among foodies for its unique scent, has become so rare that it sells for $900…