
That series is awesome. What an excellent dude.

Y’all really should link to Mike South he has all the updates.

Analee I thought you were staying on for new gigs at Gizmodo? Is that not happening anymore? Are you gonna really be gone forever??? Don’t make me cry! (sniffle)

SJW! Repeat! Social Justice Warrior Here! Just pre-ordered the game from Play Asia and look forward to its Feburary release. They are missing (literally missing with their eyeballs) a demographic here, SJW who also happens to like Japan, anime, manga, and erotic japanese games.

Oh god. I don’t even want to watch this.

I really, really hope that these types of articles are still written, cuz I am gonna really miss Throb. Sad face.

Accctuaalllyyy....I would def at least read ONE Spencer Pratt article, esp if he admits that not only is he a douche, but shocker, that he is a human being who thinks of other things other than staying relevant in the headlines. Like, I imagine a Spencer Pratt video blog where he sits with a martini and fueds it out

Good! I hope that becomes a world wide trend, and I hope that apes, chimps and the like get their personhood.

Honestly I think this will be a fun and cute game (and I remember playing it!), in the way that Little Big Plannet is fun, pointless and silly. Plus cats, the Internet loooooooovesss cats.

I couldn’t remember the name of that game, but new it was about the seven up dot! Yes! I remember playing that, and being suprised that it was kind of fun.

ARRRGHHHH!!! That is sooooo wrong.

I love this game!!! Not gonna lie gotta grab my kindle and play the heck out of this, seriously, right now. BYE!

I thought the drug was utopomium (sp?) not utopia.

Team Bible (which will win, of course) may want to step up their game because Team Nobody obviously reads your articles and most definately stop shilling products on instagram because you’ve shamed Kylie into silence. Kylie’s gunning for the win, Kim’s going to be MIA because the baby is ready to pop and I’m crossing

I love this zany show but last night episode was so hard to watch. Who the hell bumped Cat into a main character now? Her season 1 arc was great and this episode ruined Cat for me (again) mainly because I do not watch Gotham for dumb girls, but for PENGUIN, which there was not nearly enough of. I was thinking

The guy has to be really motivated to get you off (as someone who repeatedly has to say this to sex partners, and it can take a while). To be honest, I think a lot of men think it is too much work. I can make myself cum pretty fast on my own, but not so sucessful with a lot of partners that I’ve had.

But wait, if Lamar had died would you still have played this game? This is a great write up not trying to be a debbie downer, but this post was enjoyable but also hurt me in the feels a little bit.

I want to live in this world where there is a Walmart of Destruction. This is Tim Burton’s 90’s fevered dream. It is glorious.

Of course. Iceland, the most metal of all metal.

Yay!!! Valkyries? Angela????