
Uhm it looks like a young girl who’s staring at the outside world who’s trapped by a fence. Like, she’s stuck in PE walking the track (which is so lame y’all) and she’s all like, “Yo, I wish I didn’t have to be here....yo.” And if you turn that girl around and look at her shirt, it’s ACTUALLY an Insane Clown Posse

This skit is so perfect. I hope this helps Marvel make better decisions in the direction they want to go with a female lead superhero movie. Hiring a female direction just won’t cut it (haha, get it?) if the studio won’t let the female director make a competent female super hero movie.

I don’t know about “defending your relationship in a court of law”, that seems like an extreme analogy. But I would think that if you can articulate why you are with that person, what you like about them as well as articulate what you’d like to do better than (an ideal to strive for, but not nesscarily meet), and

I’ve never heard of the disorder your talking about, (but not a psychiastrist!) but from what I remember from school, anxious uncontrollable thoughts is one axis, and personality disorders are a different axis. I think what your trying to say is that mental illness can distort one’s perception of reality, for example,

Ok, so people keep asking about Psychonauts 2, but what I REALLY want to know is if you have ever thought about making an Invader Zim game with Jhonen Vasquez? Invader Zim is coming back to comics books at Oni press, and there is still a pretty big cult following behind the franchise (me being one of them, I am of

She looks good! Glad to see she doesn’t have to wear a wig all the time on stage, all that activity and sweating....ugh.

I like the general direction that the new Joker look is going. The “grill” maybe is a bit much. I personally think a tat’ed up Joker (as someone said, upside down, and carved in) is cool, but they should really scout for amazing tattoo artists to submit some flash for the Joker. You don’t want to be that guy/(or

MAAARK! How could you not announce that Michelle Obama looked smoking hot at the WHC dinner???? This is very important news!!!

What’s disturbing to me, is that with all your “experience working with the mentally ill”, is that you’ve never encountered the concept of gender identity vs sexual identity. Did Bruce Jenner appear mentally ill to you on the documentary? If so, what made you reach that conclusion? Or, did you not watch the

Thank you! I will definitely try that!

Ever since news about Tidal hit Gawker, I’ve been waiting for a chance to use this.

That’s a good idea! Thanks for the suggestion! I had been thinking about pickling veggies and eating them with rice (as the Japanese do) because it also seems like a no fuss, easy way to eat healthy.

I try to eat more veggies because they tend to be cheaper than meat! Oh! So I do have a question for you, since you asked. I’ve been trying to cook veggies in different ways (So that I will actually eat them) and I wonder if you have any tips? My weekly veggies are garlic, onion, mushrooms, peppers (all kinds!) and

Jolie you are great, I used to look forward to reading your articles so I can be less of a slob. Now I can also get cooking tips from you too? Geez Louise. What can’t you do??

“Manhart now says on Facebook that owns a restaurant called the Bacon Bunker in Valdosta”

Oh What the fuck. Cut OFF before the start of All Day? His best song in forever? Heresy.

I agree with what your saying, but I’m not sure how this study in particular would influence money pouring in financial investors. If people need a scientific paper to believe that video games don’t cause sexism, there are other factors”, then good for them, I’m happy science did some good. But I also like research

With the new lede, my fem rage has subsided enough for me to read your article more carefully and thoughtfully. Well written! I don’t know if you tweaked anybody’s quotes around, but their quotes are more clearer (it seems) to support what they’re asserting, and that they did mention previous research on video games

I kind of have a problem with your first sentence:

Did you buy it??!

Did you buy it??!