
Your right, it would have been amazing to have the tavern songs on it! Sera the never is in my head constantly!

Did you redeem your code? Here are instructions from

I'm cool with this.

Here's the examples of what I mentioned about codex's, granted I'm playing on ps4, but I'm sure it's on all consoles!

There is! When you open the menu button, there is now a space for codexs, so you can read them at your leisure, as well as well as other Lore! It's a collectible thing, and they look like cards. So if your a completionist, and you have cards missing, you know that you've got some finding to do.

Really my only complaint so far is that the Hinterlands is the first area opened up. Took me over ten hours to leave it on my first play through, and after that I hopped between between the Fallow Mires and Storm Coast and frustrated myself needlessly. It would have been better to start at Val Royeaux, and to have

The inquistiors asks whether Krem would ever get gender surgery with blood magic, to which Krem basically replied "hell no".

Spinal surgery. Pics on his twitter. He has not stated publicly why he needed it!

In your next possible playthrough, you can Vivienne and Sera very early on, which is after the scene in Val Royal...they are on map above Val Royal. (Sera requires a little effort, if you play with the sound on, you'll hear an arrow) Iron Bull will be available immedietely after storm coast, but you must talk to Krem

Oh yaaassss. I've been watching it from the beginning, and this twitch stream is excellent. Freddie Prince Jr. is so charming and adorkable, and he made a huge diss against one of the movies he was in (She's all that). I'm enjoying it immensely.

Erm yeah, this is the only Dragon Age game so far that has made me consider being an archer rogue. Never played one, besides using Lelaina during endgame for DAO, but looks like this time around being an archer is pretty badass. Can't wait for Christmas break to dig into my new Knight Enchanter.

:( Hopefully they fix it soon.

I was reading on some Bioware forums that some players aren't getting enough banter, though this article makes it seem more extreme. It didn't really hit me until a few days of playing about 8 hours a day, and reading the forums, that my party wasn't bantering like DAO or DAII. I thought the intentionally wrote less

So I was never into Cullen previously, but DAI has made huge strides into making him a stronger character, and I didn't even like screen shots of his character but his animations do kind of smolder a little, besides that odd impossible neck crane he does, where he buries his head into his shoulder. 10/10 would

There are several scenes for each character, which you unlock by doing personal quests and main quests. I think most of the sexy scenes comes after the ballroom or the fade.

Entirely appropriate! I'm gonna side eye Whoopi and Tom and hope they feel the burning glare from my computer screen.

Really moving, persuasive article from the NYT. I don't regularly read it, so I'm thankful it was written about in Jezebel so I could know about it and read it. I'm stunned.

Died as in cut from the game, or died for research, stabbity stab purposes?

Hope, my dual wielding eElven rogue using the subterfuge speciality. Annnnnd currently romancing Cullen, wishing there was a dialog option to ask him to shave that stubble.

The video itself is gorgeous, I have it on blu-ray. But holy crap is this movie bad. I would not recommend this movie to anyone other than a die hard Dragon Age fan. I count myself as one. But I literally hate this movie. The voice acting reminds me of dubbed animes from the 90s. I would have loved to heard