
Just to add to the list of “educational” travel groups.

Bharara refused to take that call and reported it to the Department of Justice.

Moron says what? This guy can’t stop opening his trap and proving his ignorance to the world. How’s that video game shop going, Curt?

This is a great price for a terrific mouse. I’ve had mine for a while now, and I love it. Your mileage may vary, of course, but it’s sturdy, accurate and easy to use. No more wires and it recharges very quickly.

This is a great price for a terrific mouse. I’ve had mine for a while now, and I love it. Your mileage may vary, of

I have a solution; make the critics pay for their meals. PROFIT!!!

As Schilling needs printed instructions on how to breathe, I consider his opinions less than worthless.

You are absolutely correct. Now, please tell me how “both sides to it” and “Bernie would have beaten Trump.” Man up and make a choice for the lesser of two evils. Purity trolling is a waste of time and effort.

No, I’ll see you in court, Mango Mussolini.

“He’s judge and jury!” “All rise...” etc., etc., ad nauseam. You are correct, sir.

Unbelievable, except it’s not. The GOP does not have any clue as to how to “govern,” they only know how to obstruct Democratic initiatives and serve their corporate masters/donors. Funny how the ACA was “rammed down their throats,” yet this legislation has been rushed through the process, not been vetted by the CBO

Purely anecdotal, but I’ve been using Clean My Mac for some years now, and have experienced zero problems. I wish I had seen your free solutions before I shelled out for it, but that’s in the past.

And this will not be a “law.” It’s another stupid EO; only Congress can pass laws (bills, actually) in this country. I dare say this order will not survive legal scrutiny. Trump seems to enjoy pretending that he’s President and that he understands his actual enumerated powers. “See you in court!” What a schmuck.

2) What happened to all the Republicans that whined about the deficit? They understand that less taxes mean less revenue right?

And his defenders will continue to tell you how great he is...there truly is one born every minute.

“But Tawm is the greatest quahtaback of awlll time!!!” Fuck Brady and his ugly wife; I have no time for either one of them.

You mean coitus?

You know Hillary Clinton advocated for a stronger military responses was not elected President last November, right? ftfy


Re: the boss taking on “menial tasks”; I worked for lawyers for many years, and it seemed as though the least pretentious partners would always pick up their own phones. As one man explained, “The client wants to talk to me, not my secretary.” Alternatively, there were the dickheads who had their assistants balance

I downloaded 1Blocker recently, based on an LH recommendation. Does this trick work on the free version, or only on premium? Granted, the price is right, but I’m being “careful” with my money these days.