
I agree. I'm a high powered user, not once have i had a phone where one battery was enough to last me the whole working day. Also the fact that i was always mobile don't give me the luxury to plug it in for any significant time.

Seems like it's raining today.....on my face.

Bast? u kop si pek? Hej?

Items sold in Hong Kong (HKSAR, China) Are exempt from federal value added taxes present in (Mainland) China.

There are only four official Apple store in China, located only in two Provinces of Beijing and Shanghai.

Friends don't let friends play inverted. True Freddiew story. ;]

haha! Well it's the only reason i can think off why everyone is scared of giving Canadians guns!

The difference is that there is no major roads or motorways/expressways, cities or even villages to break up the fields of Canola in an area that is almost as big as Luxembourg, which is far from the smallest country in Europe.

obviously, Canada. He's the funny one, always chilled out yet always gives off the impression that if you rattle his cage too much, he'll open a can of badarse all over the class so every tries to keep the scissor away from him and always have a nice thing to say whenever he looks your way! :D

wouldn't it be like...date rape? the robot is "sleeping" and you took advantage without it's consent! heh. :p

A South korean Progamer can earn between USD$200,000 - USD$690,000 annually.

"I mean, linking people's minds wirelessly? Where do they get that kind of bandwidth?"

Yeah! i mean when you order a McD in China, it has THREE PATTIES! THREE! WTF?!

They have fake women too! ;]

Mind you, this only happens if you hang around Hong Kong Island, or the universities.

Well, Nintendo been around for 120yrs+, i'm sure they anything they say, they heard already. ;]

Living in China, (but outside the Great Firewall) myself, i can answer a few your question from my point of view.

Well, growing up and living in a country with restricted civilian firearm laws, even i know you should remove the magazine, rack out the bullet in the chamber, put the safety on and put it in a holster, gun case or cabinet before you do anything else. I.e. change clothes in front of your 4 year old child.

"Apparently [insert country] women love foreign males!",