wouldn't it be like...date rape? the robot is "sleeping" and you took advantage without it's consent! heh. :p
wouldn't it be like...date rape? the robot is "sleeping" and you took advantage without it's consent! heh. :p
Weak. And generic.
A South korean Progamer can earn between USD$200,000 - USD$690,000 annually.
"I mean, linking people's minds wirelessly? Where do they get that kind of bandwidth?"
Yeah! i mean when you order a McD in China, it has THREE PATTIES! THREE! WTF?!
They have fake women too! ;]
Mind you, this only happens if you hang around Hong Kong Island, or the universities.
Well, Nintendo been around for 120yrs+, i'm sure they anything they say, they heard already. ;]
Living in China, (but outside the Great Firewall) myself, i can answer a few your question from my point of view.
Well, growing up and living in a country with restricted civilian firearm laws, even i know you should remove the magazine, rack out the bullet in the chamber, put the safety on and put it in a holster, gun case or cabinet before you do anything else. I.e. change clothes in front of your 4 year old child.
"Apparently [insert country] women love foreign males!",
DAMN RIGHT! also Scandal unlike AKB48, started out on the streets playing together, getting gigs at small places, before being discovered. AKB48, just recruit them like a company and churn them out!
its explains why kids always argue with their parents....right? :P
LOL! where is that from?! i want to see it! XD
Yay! Hong Kong made a mention on my favourite blog and my university too! PolyU! PolyU! Hong Kong Represent! :D
You and me. I re-watched it again and he didn't show it at all, probably because, like you said he didn't wear it!
yeah, i mean if he show us his Fuelband "Score" at the end of the video, at leased it'll give the viewer the motivation to try and beat it! that's the whole point of the gadget...right? To get the highest score? It's like a score board for fitness otaku's right? who has the biggest fitness e-penis to show online! :D
Congratulation. Osaka and Tokyo both have Prefectures named after them. Probably because Osaka is liken to the state of California, as Tokyo is to Washington.
Yeah, when Mainland Chinese students come to Hong Kong to study, they are largely shocked when Hong Konger do a remembrance service on the anniversary of the June Democracy Movement, and in the major universities campuses and public domain.
Apparently in Mainland China it comes up as "1989年春夏之交的政治风波", which is translated as "political unrest between spring & summer of '89" the official approved name.