
lol!! i think i'll get it just for this! XD love how the nPC runs back and goes: "Woops, sorry there mate, forgot YOU were the player here! Just let me open this door for you... :p "

yeah! amazing how no one has done this before!

It's not English, it's "American", calling it English is an insult to...erm...original English! D;

woah, is that what it's called? I always get incredibly sleepy in a moving vehicle, if i'm not driving it.

WTF! Me too! I'm left hand, leg, eye and ear dominate and dammn if i can sleep more then 5hrs unless i get to bed at 6am or later.

They are Japanese, if you think they are wrong, then you are right. But you aren't in Japan, because if you were, you wouldn't be right, just plain wrong! :D


You mean like Macross Mecha? :p

When they decided to put the "K" in front of the Word "Otaku" which means "Nerd" in Japanese.

Where is the kotaku star commenter, Mr. Fap Fap, when you need him?! :p

stock of compliment-when-caught-comparing-household-items-to-Asian-Bum? Sounds like I need it, since i choked last time i was caught by GF holding the toaster.

I like the way they did it in Battlefield, where i was assigned as a Captain (spawnpoint), and just flew a transport, so every time my team mates spawn, they were in a Chopper or are IFV, near or close to the battle, as long as i was still alive. Which made it a little bit more fun, since it seemed much more "sense"

Yes! LAN style! LOL! :D

...and cold weather! so everyone would rather stay indoors then bother to go out and get shot. :P

lol. cos its offensive to Americans! Nobody likes to be remind about your parents that you had a argument with and ran away from the family house. :p

I remember playing that! it was so good! Symphonia II on Wii was good too! although it seemed more like a remake to be honest! lol. I cant wait for more Tales goodness! still upset that Tales stuck on xbox and still havent come to the ps3 :(

I dunno, being a Brit, seeing American give out absurd jail sentences seems...well.. NORMAL.

This is why i will never use an iphone for work purposes......

ROFL. Lol it. :]

LOL!!! :D