I suppose since it doesn't really impact on my gadgetry fun, i can't really understand how it affects so many here so strongly.
I suppose since it doesn't really impact on my gadgetry fun, i can't really understand how it affects so many here so strongly.
Le Sigh indeed! I do sympathise for those, who only want to play and don't really care for anything else. They are the unfortunate casualty of this little drama between Sony, Hotz and Anonymous.
@Curves: I agree with you, except the high ratio of women jury.
Well that's good, i'm Asian, Single, not financially secure, had my car scrapped, in between jobs and no access to sacks.
ohhh thanks and you are right about Gurren! I think 1 O'clock is Gaogaigar.... :p
Nope! :p
Wait. Games aren't destroying enough lives already?!!
Maybe you just need to reinstall the Operating Syst- oh wait. Sorry. My Bad.
I find quite funny how the Kotaku's comments are generally all about lynching the hackers and negative like.However while at my home of Gizmodo, we are generally more neutral and slightly more positive.
heh. thanks! :p
lol! what anime is that from?
@Jaswal: ...That's because Ak47's or the derivative AK74's are considered front-line "modern" weapons in Libya and in the African Union in general.
@Go Vols!: ...And me. I promise nothing.
@abates25: But how can you fire the gun when it has no bullets & no trigger?
@TheloniousFunk: "never planned on giving you (another) ride anyway!"
Me too! When i moved to Hong Kong, i had to leave my monster PC, luckily i managed t ofit my PS3, my DSLite and a modest laptop to go.
Love that article picture! Lets play...
its times like this i say がんばってね!wwwww :p
Yeah, he did have a choice to leave his family home at the age of 15, for some unfortunate people, they are never given the option.