Anime is defined byu what you watch.
Anime is defined byu what you watch.
Aroused: I must not Masturbate over Asuka unconscious and injured body while the world aorund us crumble....
You also can't shoot your friends just for fun either, with the real thing.
but...but...if you have a real gun, no one wants to play with you. :(
LOL! My Dad is the same! Everytime i talk to him about serious world affairs, something strange always pops up! Last time i talk about Google Street Map, he said Google was a front for the CIA....The other time he said America was researching a virus that only affects people with Chinese genes.....
If i was shown those games on ANY SYSTEM i would agree with you too. Worse games....EVER!
@knightvash: Hearted! Best Reference EVER! :D
@Rakkoon: Google aren't stopping you, they just don't want to take responsibility for incompatibility issues.
@brahmachari99: Depends if you can last longer then 30 seconds....
I hope you look typically Asian koreanish and speak fluently as well, because it makes the story all that more funnier!
But his body was READY
Me too bruv'er! *fist bump*
I know what you mean! I was with my girlfriend the other day with my 3DS, but when walked out my room for a moment and came back i screamed like a little girl at my UGLY girlfriend in shock!
"The definition is already known, this is a gaming site for crying out loud. "
@Jezuz: Which is hilarious, considering Southern Brits think it's the end of the world when there is suddenly 1 inch of snow.
So true.... Yay for non-commiting interweb commenting. I wasn't lying! honest! just spoke before i thought it though properly......(like everything else in my life...)
@acatzr800: I KNEW IT!