
@Arcane: ...but actually 26.

@Methusalah: *summons a Harry Potter to annoy you for life*

@RRW: "most asian have similar face so hard to tell"

@Sam Edwards: b.....but...not everyone knows what sarcasm is! plus it's the internet.

@Bs Baldwin: I don't know. i've never been to Detroit, let alone anywhere besides a brief holiday in Florida.

@tomsomething: Shutting down the lines of communication isn't fear.

Let's be honest.


@tomsomething: "A government that can't fear its people is not fit to serve them."

@Shippoyasha: Will you buy it if they slash the price from $600 to $400?

@Slash3: He doesn't count. He's not famous or rolling in money or has an army of fanboi's with a working Reality Distortion field.

@Starlionblue: But i'm a slave to SNSD. Therefore = EXPLOITED

@randlsa: "Good artists copy; great artists steal."

@George Lampard: Well, to be honest you don't need to do that in the USA, you just have to watch Fox News.

@Bs Baldwin: Sure! only if you suspend Unions, pay them less then national average and export all manufactured goods as not for domestic sale.