
@Møbius: Actually had to read back my previous comment to understand what you mean. But now that I think back on it, maybe you don't need the Internal Visa to "Visit" the special Zones, but you certainly need a Internal Visa to Work or even STAY or LIVE in the special Economical Zone!

@commander_k: "...just build a bridge over the water, but don't finish it. They'll fall or parachute to their deaths!"

@Onizuka-GTO: Oh woops forgot two other obvious Zones!

Just to clarify this post, PS3 and xbox360 are available for sell in all Special and Economical Zones/Regions in China.

@SecretMoblin: I can't wait for "Super Revolutionary Wars: Original Jintao", a unique RTS exclusive for the iQue 3DS!

that was fun! Not into HandEgg, but that makes me almost want to watch it!

@rvillanueva84: Well it only gets warm in the United Kingdom for only three months out of twelve.

@LabNerd: "That's some wake behind this thing. It's only a matter of time until people boating along the river find a way to knife this guy down"

@RickyMouse: I dunno what you are talking about, this is a revolutionary gadget! ElBoss of Jetpack Inc. said we don't need HDMI or USB 3, but we do have Nitro-port and super new PlayAIR that allows wireless musical playing over the air! It's not my fault you can't afford this!

@TuxRug: What are you talking about? You know China got that already!

Nice artistic flair! I like his mood images, exploring colour that affects our emotion and all that artsy babble.

@McGreed: You aren't the only one!

@V864: Laser has the capacity to deliver tremendous power and before the deeper and detailed research and development of Railgun technology. Railguns were also considered only as a LOS weapon due to the near-instantaneous delivery predicted, yet only in the past 10 years have there been any TRUE breakthrough.

@CaptainJack: Unless you are aboard a Merchant Marine Navy ship! :]

@350Zed: Well, think of this way, with this laser, pirates will end up shooting blindly!