
@battra92: What? They have Free Dental Care in Japan too?!

P.S: Was thinking I should just delete this post, since I stop myself just before making an ASS out of myself.

@NyQuilDreams: What? you circled everything EXCEPT the gingervitus blurred ghost in the background?!

@chum2: pics or GTFO.

@Whizkid103: lol. Gotta admit though, from a Straight blokes perspective. I'll admit he's an above average bloke and actually feel a little glad inside, that I won't have to compete with him in the Nerdy-Gamer-Try-to-find-a-girl Dating Scene.

@DRaGZ: Godaammn Spy Chickens

@tensai: Dammn right! As much as i love my month old G2 HTC, i'm trading it in for some Dual Core loving!

@Goolybooly: Awww, it always takes a happy someone who had to earn something...

@mikehart526: That's correct, if you do not have a radio transmitter a.k.a Mobile SIM Card or a camera you will not qualify for Android market. (correct me if I'm wrong)

@leeit2me: ...except this actually pre-emptily stopping lawsuits.

@Kwinten: no. it means I get to cut to the front of the line, pushing aside all the 7yr+ kids and not feel bad about it!

@Ab1013227: Well when you are one of the surviving grandfather's of the Video game industry, everyone will give you a little bit of leniency.

@albokay: ...and go home empty handed and a bill for everyone's legal cost?

@RuckingFetard: lol. Your nickname is strangely appropriate.