@rockboy04: Well, after all that has happened in the past...I guess the only cure is to shrug, smile and laugh......
@rockboy04: Well, after all that has happened in the past...I guess the only cure is to shrug, smile and laugh......
@volim: No. the reason you have to install several bases in Japan for it's defence is because you nuke the common sense out of them. Hell, dunno about you, but having the living shit kicked out of me with a few miniature suns left on the provincial lawn, I won't be surprised if i was a few marbles sort of a full deck.
@blehbleh13: you are so behinds the times, they slaughter chickens & cows too now. Civilization at last!
@bowei437: Hail! Fellow Chinese People Liberation army Comrade! Let use shovel to VICTORY! :]
Digital piracy is AWFUL! Boo to them!
*deep breath*
@bobthefrog1114: *commits Harakiri*
@Shamoononon: perhaps more then just chemical imbalance...if we knew, a lot of people would be free of depression. In the mean time let's hope more people find a coping mechanism and don't get push to the brink!
@Settings: LOL made my day!
@Maave: Russians also used exploding dogs.
@Rusty Hawk: Nothing.
@vinod1978: B-b-bu...But we have freedom & Capitalism!
@toibelu: Hey, if they can sell guns.......I don't really see a problem with this!
@Theologica: I love Royal Mail/ParcelForce!
@Anthony Robinson: Dammn right! Haven't eaten a MckyD Since last year! feel good! :]
@ChiTownBuff: That's cos everyone is bored of China as it's been used for everything! (hurhur say the Russians, Japanese & Vietnamese!)
@stereobot: Your solution will only apply to 1/2 half of the Koreans.
@KingHippo: And hot women who are paid big money to be "molested"
@metronome49: You had to bring that up didn't you? I told you, it was only a technological demo! Nothing more!