@Lupison: ...and shoot them?
@pixelpushing: woah, they made an anime? i remember the manga! it was good! Too bad they didn't start the anime from the frst volume, where they were in Vietnam!
@Beavertank: ...and this is why you should never cook your fish!
@MTVAH: Its the reflection of the Steve Jobs.
Well, I can talk dirty about how this offends me, but until i can afford to by myself a car like these and decorated whateverthefeckiwantbecauseica....
@lycosman: That's because you are in the "Everyone wants me! sex-more then sex-less hetero" corner.
@NeƶStarr: yay! been feeling a little lonely in minecraft survival! Was about to begin an epic sky castle creation but i think it might be more fun to try it online!
@lycosman: thanks for the hope, mate!
@FrankenPC: nothing wrong with sex pigs!
@Curves: not only that, a straight women as respectable as you, are apparently very optimistic about the Earth being bigger then the Sun and that politicians are God Given.
@yanipheonu: But...what is the picture of? Is that a warlock? or a Druid or what?
@Teran: ...and has a local/online co-op mode for said 4hr+ Campaign as well!
@Whooped.D.Dew: I would of said 3D boobies. but hey, whatever float your boat.
@Fociz: wait. you want Jesus to kick his Father's -God- arse?
@GwardyJay: Nnooooo! Flee while you can! once you start...you just dig....and dig...and dig....AND BUILD FLYING CASTLES WITH MONSTERS AFTER YOU!
@The Sentient Meat: Dammn right! I'm having so much fun at the moment trying to build a "Laputa" -Flying Castle in the Sky- while battling away monsters in the constant Mining for materials to build it.
@Paul Myers: hearted.
@Salacion: That pun stung a little, no class what-so-ever.
@hawkeye18: I though this was the sarcasm tag?