
I want a Android version...NAO!

@Mr [Awesome] Pie!: ..I don't think Sony ever advertised their PS3 as a grill, but if they did...dammn right it should be able to!

@PoweredByHentai: Unfortunately the PS3 is hardware as well as Software.

@Prinny1God: There is always two sides of the coin, just because you dislike one side does not mean you should deny the other.

@Alex_Mexico: actually everyone of them "paid off".

@dowingba: dammn right, besides if you were a true graphic whore, PC gaming is the best! :]

@Leanid: more like nomoneyforps3games?

@Phaz: No take this analogy.

@Vecha: Vincentgrey says you are a dirty liar.

@Squirrelbot3000: people are morons...but no said Humongous Multinational Media Technology Corporation can't be morons too....

Meh this won't change anything, the Hackers will win.

@Syv: *HighFive his Face*

@Beavertank: Multiorgasm is the must have feature baby!

@Curves: ...Gold would be better....at leased it'll be resellable.

@ImmaLion: ...shuush! just keep supplying the Chocolate and we'll be okay....

@Samo: Well what can I say? They love Liverpool, Chelsea and Man United in Hong Kong.