
@Batman: Oh, so is Handegg like Rugby? In that if the player get's injured, as long as they get patched up (As long as one eye can still see and they can still catch and run with the egg) they can run back on the field?

@Kellen Dunkelberger: I can see how she's a VG Otaku, anyone with that much energy would definitely find an outlet with video games.

@Pepe Thunder: If they were the FRENCH Legion, probably.

@abates25: Quick! you have to jailbreak another 20 iphones or eventually Sadako will crawl out of your phone and TAKE YOUR SOUL.

@Damn the Fanboys: You don't have to "residt" in Britain to speak the Queen's English.

@snitch: pic or it didn't happen.

@bfwings55: Don't worry, Level 5 did mention it was coming out for the DS and "another platform" which was unknown at the time.

@SQLGuru: But a penny is one penny out of 100 pennies which is equal to a pound of pennies! so how can it be a cent?!

@FriedPeeps: I want a 1028 Petrabyte SD Cube, so there.

@blehbleh13: I heard the tree friends have 4G WiiMAX reception.....

@Eternal: I for one welcome the casual fist of Overlording!

@Born2bwire: "I've seen mothers send their kids to go shit in the middle of a crowded street."

@amazingmao: This is why I stop watching ATV/TVB News, bloody depressing.

@Bologna: yeah, for one thing, the Arcology that is Kowloon Wall City no longer exist, just a park where it use to stand.

@Mr_Academic: Hey Mate, for that we are thankful!