
@HAL9000: Well, I agree that Webkit is open standard, since you can grab the kit and develop your own browser with it, however you can do the same with Android, so by that definition its just as "open standard".

@crosis101: So...does this mean this is SDF-Mini-Me?

Facetime is as Open Standard as iOS4 is Open Standard.

@SkelatorDan: On the other hand us in the Far East, find it uncomfortable, when we don't burn it with fire!

@RenRen: seriously? buried in the ground? And let you rise as a zombie/Vampire in 2067 when the world is infected?!


@Al Swearengen hates cocksuckers: " expect and demand every Japanese player ALWAYS throw up the hands and scream YATTA! after every goal. Otherwise their just Korean to me."

dammn Hong Kong! Local TV channels gave the finger to the licence holders, so you can't watch it, unless you got cable or sat, or if you live in a flat with a communal satellite (Most modern flats) or live close to the Mainland Chinese border you can catch the World Cup on Centre China TV.

@Michael Scrip: ...because it's "Super" compared to the first generation of AMOLED technology?

@syrdax: nothing almight about England, the first game is always the most nerve wrecking, stupid England...

@bakagaijin: Japan wins first World Cup game outside of Japan! YAY! :]

@PSWii2008: Denmark did it as well, gave Holland the lulz to go score one themselves.

@brishu: Goal wasn't a fluke, it was BUTTER FINGERS GREEN FAULT!

@Jon: LOL. I'm gonna call it that now, so much more convenient then saying "American Football" everytime.

@raresquare: Its Shiggy! His smile is so infectious!

@pandafresh: *absently scribble a red crayon all over the panda*

@xd.Balls: Hell yeah! Bring back the Flying Drone Mothership! :]

@Curves: After three hours staring at this statement, I ám forced to conclude that your logic is flawless.