When I am shopping for games, before I buy, I check that it is not made or distributed by Electronic Arts.
When I am shopping for games, before I buy, I check that it is not made or distributed by Electronic Arts.
Just Another Fucking Musta...oh.
I spent half that video wondering "how the hell did they do that?" and the other half being amazed at the things where I knew how they did it. Damn.
Well, with the ability to record computer data and base warranty coverage on that, perhaps there could be two warranties...one period for if you DO drive it like you stole it, and one for if you don't.
That's it? That's what it took to bend the frame? I was expecting the camera to have a couple frames of nothing but sky.
That reminds me...anyone heard anything about the Bose suspension lately?
Fuckin noob engies don't deserve any respect. First thing you build going out the door is your goddamn teleporter entrance.
If you're really trying, you could run out of things to do within 30 miles of Kingman in a couple of weeks. A couple of months if you pace yourself. Then you have to get creative, like this gentleman.
Kingman. Not the least bit surprising.
How is a dragster or top speed car not a toy?
It gets NEGATIVE miles per gallon. It will actually take back miles you've previously driven. So, say you just got a speeding ticket or into an accident in your other car (assuming you're not daily driving this), you drive a few miles in this and undo it.
Most embarrassing street race ever.
Where in Japan did they have bike lanes? Everywhere I've been, cyclists ride on the sidewalks, or on shoulders that are also used by pedestrians and for parking.
See a matte black SLR parked in Paris...if it has the top down, piss in it.
Less incredible than the fact that it has all these features is the understanding of mechanics and Lego required to design it.
Has he been sued by Monster Cable yet?
Time to give the Mythbusters a Veyron.
Maple-syrup-injected ice cream bar.