Afraid of the consequences of hitting a guy in the parking lot.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
The most impressive thing here is that the lighting matched so well.
How about the Mythbusters full-sized RC setup?
I wonder how Sabine would have done with a V10 Econoline.
No Roadblasters?
What's a "boot"? What's a "bonnet?" What's "petrol?"
@saltwater: spraypaint the windows.
@brandegee: On big trucks especially, a backup camera makes a lot of sense. It isn't about protecting the truck, it's about making sure you aren't running over a sleeping dog or a baby in a stroller.
Holy shit, this is glorious. I've been scything through noobs and they just keep coming.
Making sure the fucks got it right.
Is it? Protectionist and mercantilist policies BUILT post-war Japan and Korea, and are doing so for China. I mean it's that or conquest, right? It isn't at the expense of everyone else in their country. Everyone else in the world, a bit. But within one's borders it can make sense...so long as your customers don't…
Nah, in the long term it'll be okay. But in the short term it will suck.