You left out the update that has evolved Modern Pentathlon into Future Pentathlon: Laser Pistols. Of course, they’re essentially just carefully calibrated laser pointers mounted inside an air pistol, but still: LASER PISTOLS!
You left out the update that has evolved Modern Pentathlon into Future Pentathlon: Laser Pistols. Of course, they’re essentially just carefully calibrated laser pointers mounted inside an air pistol, but still: LASER PISTOLS!
It’s nice to know I can pin something to all desktops, but can I attach a program to a specific desktop?
It’s not a replacement for a proper vacuum, but for hard surfaces I don’t think you can get better ROI than the DirtDevil Simpli-Stick. It’s lightweight, powerful, and often sells for less than $20. Yes, it’s a corded stick/hand-vac, so you still need a vacuum for carpets. No, it will never win a Red Dot award, but if…
It’s not a replacement for a proper vacuum, but for hard surfaces I don’t think you can get better ROI than the…
I lean toward snipers. No increase in Strength, Endurance, or Charisma; Perception: 9, Agility: 7, and Luck: 6; and the last two into Intelligence so I can start crafting right off the bat. Err... rifle.
I know it’s not cool, flashy, or packed with features, but I’d like to put in a vote for the classic Lasko 3733 (sometimes called the GALAXY) box fan. It’s got a sturdy metal box, moves a lot of air, and can be picked up pretty much anywhere for less than the cost of a large supreme pizza. It fits well in the opening…
I know it’s not cool, flashy, or packed with features, but I’d like to put in a vote for the classic Lasko 3733…
Huh. I was always given to understand that the 'a' essentially made it the opposite, but then the term incorporeal wouldn't make any sense I guess. My bad.
The word you want here is corporal meaning "of the body" as opposed to corporeal meaning "of the spirit".
I totally agree. I've never used the Commute, but my Command has been rock solid every day for a couple of years. I work in IT and I've really put this thing through the ringer: often overloaded, regularly exposed to bad weather, and occasionally filled with dusty old parts after they've been replaced. The Command has…
My firewall is indicating GIMPshop may have a virus, and that made me wonder: Will Chocolatey subvert my virus protection system? Does the service have any sort of built in virus protection?
I've been watching through the CBC's webpage (already have a VPN account for other online media viewing), and the experience has almost been enough to make me pay for cable. There's no technical issues: video looks fine, access is very comprehensive, and pages load pretty quickly even after the VPN. My problem is, on…
EDIT: Posted a copy to imgur so as not to steal that site's bandwidth. I found it here: Gravity Daze Wallpaper
For my wife's birthday a couple of years ago I made a pseudo-mousse with heavy cream, Nutella, and unflavored gelatin. If you're worried about raw egg you could consider that route.
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the pocket tool I want just doesn't exist. I'm in IT, and I know we're not exactly a prime focus of the tool industry, but if, say, ifixit ever made a multi-tool I hope they would do something like this:
It's too warm to make my Thyme and Time Again Slow-Cooker Beef Stew, and I don't have any pictures of it, but I'll hit the high points:
I'm another VZW Galaxy Nexus user. I'll give up my unlimited data when they pry it from my broken arthritis riddled thumbs, even if my I'm pretty sure Galaxy Nexus has a radio pulled out of grandpa's '68 Rambler American.
My question is: If I summon Mr. Mxyzptlk can I sen him away by requesting Kltpzymx?
I can't speak to larger birds, but our cockatiel LOVES "electronic dance music" especially House music. I'll put on one of the old Paul Oakenfold Radio 1 Essential Mix(es), some Timo Maas, or Daft Punk (I have noticed that he prefers Discovery and the Tron: Legacy Soundtrack to Human After All) and he will dance and…
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I feel an experiment with a 200 degree oven, a box of Spanglers (, and some Dixie cups coming on.