
Take the fork you got with your grill set and stick it in a drawer. If you've got a big, WELL RESTED, chunk of meat pull out the fork with your carving knife, but Keep It Away From The Grill. If you've got the spatula and the tongs there's no reason to turn food with it, and while it's unlikely to ruin a thick steak

I would be curious if the elastic used is somehow better than a hair tie? If not a person with a 3D printer could make clips very easily, and a pack of hair ties is something like 3 dollars. If a person were to design homemade clips they could even use different a elastic medium like rubber bands.

Heads up to Android users. You can do this by telling Google Voice Search "Note to Self". It will record what you say and send it to your gmail. It even transcribes it (something that GVS is WAY better at than Google Voice).

I only use one YouTube extension, the accurately named: Stop Autoplay For YouTube (for Google Chrome). It does exactly what it says with a minimum of fuss. It pauses any video I open, and lets the video pre-buffer in the background. Finally, it pauses itself after you've watched more than one video in a row in the

It might, but it's not a good idea. Granite is naturally somewhat porous. The granite in your counter tops has hopefully been coated with a sealant to protect it from spills, but it isn't always, and continued contact with a fairly acidic liquid like lemon juice can cause pitting or staining even in 'sealed' counters.

While it would cost quite a bit to do the whole desk if you have a Grid-It you're not using all you'd need to set it up for running cables is some double sided poster tape (or better, Command Strips) to run along the outside edges.

A tip, not for cooking the steak, but for using a grill pan. Before you start cooking spread a thin layer of salt between the grooves. The ridges will keep the salt away from the meat. The salt will keep the beef drippings from sticking and burning in the grooves, and since salt is great for cleaning cast iron you

I used to use a case because I am really clumsy, and I wanted to be sure I wouldn't destroy my phone. I thought the case was protecting the phone from scratches and such as well, but when I took the case off to swap out my SD card I found that grit had gotten into the case and scratched up my phone like crazy.

I really love attempting Search Research, but I am rarely able to do it on the day it is posted. I started my search today with " Arthur A. Thorpe 1899" and the description of the first hit on Google was: "Here's the quick answer: Arthur A. Thorpe was an oysterman living at 1603 California St in San Francisco, 1899."

It probably won't help you survive, but scrambling up some eggs then putting that in half a red bell pepper (coat the outside with oil) on your fire or grill is pretty tasty.