I agree that gamer “outrage” can be pretty tiresome sometimes. That said, these seem like legitimate criticisms that are relevant to a purchase decision. If they delivered less than they promised, consumers should be informed.
I agree that gamer “outrage” can be pretty tiresome sometimes. That said, these seem like legitimate criticisms that are relevant to a purchase decision. If they delivered less than they promised, consumers should be informed.
Well you’re throwing the baby out with the bathwater here and this article isn't "gamer outrage," it's level-headed criticism of a product
So you could get a remake of one beloved RTS from 2002 for US$30.
Someone was clearly sleeping through the movie only to wake and exclaim, “Space horseys!!!”
OK, this is the second post I’ve seen on this group of websites that says pretty much nothing, and yet talks about SW. Did a general order go out to the authors to write something - anything - about the new SW movie?
Higher than they were, clearly.
How do you know one of the new Pokemon won’t become a favorite though? You’re throwing out an entire game because one Pokemon isn’t in it?
You know how old people like to say Millenials are killing everything they love... in all seriousness?
I love having watched the Conservative Gamer youtube sphere having done a complete 180 on their opinions about politics in games.
Reactionary Gamers: “Get your politics out of my video games!”
Also Reactionary Gamers: *blowing a bubble pipe sitting next to their parent’s fireplace* “The intricate webbing of corporate…
Oh shit, you’re telling me a video game website doesn’t report random murders, deaths, and accidents, and only mentions them when they’re notably tied to video games?
This has blown my mind.
She’s treating it as a costume, to look like a fictional character she likes as accurate as possible, not to mock people of a race or do a goddamn minstrel show, this is all so incredibly dumb...
Every time.
People still post this comment every time an article about this game comes up?
Ahhh Conrad. One of Canada’s national treasures *gags in back of throat* until he gave up his citizenship for a seat in the House of Lords. What a charmer.
It’s strictly a coincidence that the Polio vaccine innoculations and Ray Kroc’s aquisition of McDonald’s happened around the same period in time. Note that the number of reported cases of Polio dropped year by year as the number of McDonald’s outlets multiplied almost exponentially. So-called “scientists” and…
That’ll be the Pokémon Go Plus Plus Plus.
Great match indeed. Sinatraa pretty much carried them to victory due to his massive clutch at the first point of BlizzardWorld when the rest of his team was dead.