
Nope. Definitely an amazing game, but nowhere near the perfection of Sim City 4 Rush Hour

That's my denryu right there

Link was asleep in an inn in Mario RPG

It's written by the same people. Including Drew Karpyshin who did the story for the first kotor game as well as the Revan book

The official story group behind all things canon these days arw dirwctly involved in swtor's story since the last expansion

I guess she was mad as hell, and she wasn't going to take it anymore.

i named mine "Crapps"

what is that accent? If someone called me "asshole" the way she pronounces it I would just start laughing hysterically

so is it ew because she's 14? I imagine there are any number of people cosplaying as anime or game characters who are in their early teens. Is that any less disgusting?

because they're white

I played in parks unsupervised when i was that age. heck i remember going off into the woods exploring with my neighbour when we were both 7 or 8. Is the United States really that dangerous that letting kids play in parks is a criminal offence?

Dawn of the Guardians?

this sounds like the same bs they fed us about SimCity. I just don't know if I can take anything EA says seriously anymore

ugh mine does the same, so annoying

sometimes I wonder if moves like this are there simply for breeding purposes

I think the real question should be what does Primal Rayquaza look like?

personally I think Mario should play Hockey next

Pretty much all FTL in Stargate is hyperspace (or wormholes). Not sure how it compares to SW hyperspace beyond being an alternate dimension you move faster in

Correct. For instance for Voyager to cross the entire Galaxy at Warp 9.9, it would have taken 70 years. In the SW universe it's possible to traverse the entire galaxy in about a week depending on your route.

oh Sunfire, such memories. Just not good memories.