
Garbage.  This is pure fear-based propaganda aimed at agitating the ignorant left. 

I wonder if when Kavanaugh gets confirmed, and Trump gets re-elected, the left would commit mass suicide. That would be FUCKING GLORIOUS.

This is gawker, where the most militant of the ignorant left hangs out. Just read through the comments. It's pretty sad

Propaganda doesn't work unless it's everywhere. 

I can’t wait for the insane but predictable leftard response that twitch is their employer and they all deserve vacation time and a "living wage". 

Your not wrong.  None of you are wanted here, yet here you are.  Go back to black utopia that is Africa!

Meh. Most blacks are garbage human beings anyway. How many people were shot by blacks today?  Your all wild animals.

It amazes me that ignorant liberals can survive daily life

The ONLY plus side to abortion is it is many times more likely to kill kids from liberal families.  

I actually hope your kids get killed. That will be two less sniveling liberals on this planet

I hope the left commits mass suicide when he's confirmed.  It's going to be glorious!

That look on her face.  I bet she's an insufferable human being. 

Fail. That makes zero sense. 

Oh man! Every day he gets closer to the leftards committing mass suicide. God hope I get to witness it.

Probably because your a moron who gets the news from a shady blog?

The same polling that said Clinton would win in a landslide?

The #metoo movement, like all liberals, is complete garbage

If you actually owned any stock, you wouldn't sound like such a moron

Liberals are garbage human beings

It’s really only complicated for liberals, since at some point they must have replaced economics for gender studies.