
Comments like this remind everyone that this is still a gawker site, and garbage like yourself still show up with garbage comments

Meh. Most likely it was a bunch of liberals that got shot.

Feel free to leave. Maybe North Korea is more to your liking?

Lol. Nice race card loser

I’m going to vote for Trump, again, just to trigger snowflakes like yourself 😜

There is always one of you idiots on every forum.

I completely agree. After watching the video the first thought I had was “what a waste”.

News flash for you idiot leftards:

Meh. Make better decisions, don’t end up in prison. Seems pretty self explanatory.

When California gets nuked, it will instantly solve half this country’s problems

About 6 more years. Your in for a long ride, snowflake

It’s been several years, and you idiot leftards still have no idea what “net neutrality” is. I bet you could find the closest gender neutral bathroom though.

Approximately 7 people care about GTA5 campaign

Or... People are starting to see your leftard BS for what it really is.

Meh. Get legal or get out. Pretty simple.

And with one simple sentence, you just drowned the entire gun control argument.

So her family risked it all, and ended up with a wildly successful business?

I don’t like it, so therefore everyone else also needs too dislike it DURRRRRR

You sound like the type of person who would be terrified if not for the government cuddling with you.

Liberalism is a mental disease