
Huh I always thought the one about book burning versus flag burning and gay marriage were pretty good indicators of a fundamental incompatibility. Ones like this need context whereas someone thinking flag burning should be illegal was a clear sign that we wouldn't get along.

That sounds like a fun job in a weird way. So many dating profiles are just 800 varieties of dull and bad writing. I hope I never have to go on a dating site again, the phrases "partner in crime" and "living life to the fullest" make me want to cry.

Hah! My mom never mentioned it one way or the other that I recall but I do remember asking her if she had waited until marriage to have sex and she said, "Well I got married at 27..." and I was like oooh gotcha, 'nuff said.

Sure, never say never. One truly never knows.

Yeah. I just can't decide. I was definitively in the never having children camp until about 35 and then was like well I dunno, what else am I doing with my life? Luckily my new boyfriend didn't bat an eye when, during our first conversation, I rambled on about needing to get married so I could just decide before time

Too true! So many times I've come home and said huh I didn't think you would eat that/get that open/be able to get to there in order to eat that... :)

That's kind of you! (d'oh and calling artificial foods evil was wildly hyperbolic on my part as well.)

Look...yes whatever with the words and probably correct facts and so on. I didn't mean that people shouldn't eat it because it's bad for them because it kills dogs, I meant I don't like it, or like to have it around, because it kills dogs...and my dog lately has been acting like a garbage goat eating anything he can

Truthfully people walk entirely too slow even when there's nothing to look at. I am a fast walker though.

Um yes it is. It may not be a measure of safety to you but it is to me. It's much more harmful to dogs than either chocolate or raisins considering that 2 sticks of gum can be fatal to a small dog.

They are truly vile. Xylitol is the worst because it will kill dogs, don't think it's used in sodas though.

So that sucks, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I don't know what I would do quite frankly. While I think artificial foods are one of the most evil and misguided developments ever I will take my smug (silent) judgy-ness down several pegs. You never know what other people are going through.

A lot of things are not the "healthiest" options: living in a city; eating conventionally grown fruits and vegetables; constant exposure to fumes from new carpets and cheap furniture; exposure to car exhaust; GMOs; using herbicides on your lawn; eating meat from factory-farmed animals.

I just learned you can make your own formula from goat's milk after Googling around after reading this. I'd almost rather do that than breastfeed but I really just like goats and have no plans to breed humans.

I know...freaking hilarious. "I would never drink milk from another human! Cow or goat is ok..maybe a sheep...but that's it!"

Lazy and old.

Yes let's all sacrifice ourselves on the alter of children. If parents were meant to stop existing once a child popped out, humans would have evolved to kill and eat their parents at birth. Why does our culture want that to be the case? I'm choking on the self-righteousness...

Maybe the problem is that it's too easy to get married. If you're heterosexual.

have you seen some of the stars...they are on like, regular sidewalk area where it would be entirely plausible that someone would want to walk as a means to get somewhere.

I hate when I'm in front, I'm a woman, and open the door for the guy and they twist themselves around to hold it open for me so I can go first. Duuuude, just go, it's ok. It's nice but awkward you know? Not a big deal if a lady opens the door for you, I lift weights I can do it.