
I disagree, here's why: You can use the same lifts in strength training that you do in powerlifting but the reverse is not true. You can't competitively bench or squat or deadlift having only used machines or medicine balls or resistance bands. That powerlifting is inherently more risky or dangerous is a misstatement

More girls should strength train! Good for her and her parents.

Wearing things that hold you in also provide a bit of support, kind of like a belt but not really at all.

That's not actually the case. The link you provided actually says the opposite of what you're saying except that competitive power lifting can lead to poor form.

Kate Upton is fat? Well, if it's on the Internet it must be true.

The dancing is an awesome touch, I will add that in to my imagined recreation of the scene!

That's exactly what I would do. And also, that does make it a little less heroic maybe. I think you have to deliver the punch and then be willing to give them a thorough lecture on why they deserved it. After you've tied them up to wait for the police of course.

Seriously! I'd punch the shit out of a lot of people if I wasn't terribly afraid of the consequences.

Well...who's way of life? The minority religious population?

It's almost like us women want to meet someone we can act like real human beings around.

Don't Google dating advice if you find the eHarmony advice to be bizarre. There's an entire cottage industry of "dating experts" lined up to tell women how to be passive objects. It's all variations on "The Rules."

I don't understand why anyone would be a hardshelled, bitchy bitch, complain loudly about their date to all and sundry and THEN would complain about not getting a call back.

Did you live in Georgia? That happened to a friend of mine in third or fourth grade. It must be a common injury i would think...

Utterly terrible. I hate it. I wanted to like it. Maybe it will get better.

I have a 20-mile commute too in Florida. I can't wait for self-driving cars. Why aren't they here already?

Unless you've gotten a couple of speeding tickets within recent memory and then you're out of luck. It's their party, their rules but the driving record requirements seem kind of harsh to me.

My thoughts exactly. The phrase "I'll pray for you," is so mind-bogglingly arrogant and condescending in this situation and it's just exacerbated by the fact that it comes from little boys.

Note to self: if someone jumps on the hood of your car growling and slobbering, run them over.

Not so far.... I live in south Florida and am in my mid-30s. I'm going to second bacterial vaginosis as a possibility, that's really the only thing that has ever caused a prolonged, and insufferable, issue for me. I do hate wearing sweaty panties though, not because it's stinky but it's irritating.

I actually agree. Totally.