Substitute child and I'd say you're absolutely right.
Substitute child and I'd say you're absolutely right.
See that seems reasonable to me. I don't distrust doctors but do distrust drug companies, there are too many conflicts of interest to simply accept what we're told on blind faith.
I'm sure there's a good reason to limit the number of vaccines kids get. Vaccines are not without side effects. Full disclosure, I know nothing about kids and base that only on my experience with dogs.
Seriously…not to be snarky but these comments are so predictable. As soon as a woman says her size, ladies pop up and start clucking like hens, I don't think she's that size, who does she think she is…blah blah blah.
I said most of the population has one form of the virus or another. There are two strains. HSV1 and HSV2. However, the prevalence of both increase with age. Up to 75 percent. So.
Why don't you back off telling people how to behave and focus on your own ideas? If there's any troll, it's you.
Why don't you keep it to yourself and not tell people what to do. setting a horrible legal precedent is not ok. especially when you don't know what you're talking about.
There's not really a precedence because one is fatal and horrible and the other one not even noticeable for most people who have it. Oh and by the way, out of 20 people, 16 have one form of the virus or another. So...really they are not the same AT ALL.
So what about if someone knows they get cold sores and kisses you? How much is that worth? What if they go down on you? Is that a million dollars?
And also! Sorry to reply to myself but...I mean what if it was just kissing and he gave her HSV1? Some doctors, at least one quoted on considers oral herpes worse because it can actually cause some of the really dire complications...
You're pretty wrong. And yes I do have personal experience. The people with really horrible painful experiences are rare. Diet and OTC supplements can help a ton.
A herpes diagnosis is not worth $900k and this judgement will only make it much worse for people who suffer with a relatively benign virus but huge social stigma.
Lots of people do and don't know it.
I don't really understand what Jezebel's point of view is on this topic.
I also read the article and hated it. Sure it's nice to say hey there's some stuff you can control and change about yourself but really besides saying don't be too picky there's nothing else to say that isn't completely sexist.
Arg…my dog would be terrible for this. If I am looking at something, he's on it. It seems like he's like: what are you doing, what are we looking at, should I do something, maybe I should bark like a maniac, that's probably best.
I was just friendzoned by a guy after two handjobs. They were friendly handjobs, he explained. I didn't realize that was a thing and told him to fuck off and get out.
I'm laughing at the cost. Even if my brain was on fire with baby fever, it's not an option.
I think by a certain age you realize that things happen. They happen to your parents, friends, siblings. If that doesn't inspire a little humility and acceptance then what will.
Absolutely. But it's also very helpful to keep in mind that people, as a whole, suck something fierce.