
Yeah, Ty turned out to be way crazy, which wasn’t really a surprise but still, since she was so personal it struck me as potentially being more damaging. I too felt badly for all those contestants because of course they took it very, very seriously and life at that age is hard enough!

I also need to know about the penis, but I’m kind of a slut and I love older men, so I would be all over that daddy. #truvada

Always great to see Jessica Williams.


Aren’t politicians kinda busy? And, well, old? This kind of physique, for a man his age, that takes TIME. And like a lot of broccoli and chicken breasts.

More importantly

Whadya mean, like how? Dude works out and has for years. And it shows.

He has the kind of “daddy” appeal that’s really set off by power so only if he wins the Presidency. I also need to know about his v.p. first (his vice penis).

Oh, she is. Absolutely gorgeous and absolutely adorable. And yeah, same thing. She’s funny even if I was just listening but when she is on screen she is captivating.

They want so badly to be cool, but in their hearts they’ve known ever since their Young Republican days that they are not. I think it makes them sad, which makes them mad.

Guys, I know this might be the wrong place to share this, but....

One of rock’n’roll’s greatest moments. I still like to re-read that to get a delicious little thrill. “Embodiment of the machine we rage against”, mmm oh yeah baby. <3

It always blows me away that they use openly progressive songs by openly progressive musicians in the first place. Like, how can you think that’s for you? I guess the issue is that there are no decent conservative bands or artists or comedians for that matter, because conservatism is anathema to creativity.

It fills my heart with joy every time a musician tells a conservative to stop using their music. Shout out to The Boss!

Jessica Williams is a gawdamn national treasure.

I’m prepared to get flamed into oblivion for this, but does anyone have a recommendation for one of these? Not so much for the waist training, but just for wearing under dresses, etc. to give some shape and support. I have a very uncomfortable strapless bridesmaid dress to wear soon and don’t really feel like dealing

Can I just say, back in the day pre children and marriage in my early 20s I would wear a corset because I liked how it made my figure look under my slimmer clothing. I could pull it off and be comfortable then. It was pure vanity.

You’re right, it’s not.

Women's shoes are oppressive but I don't see any articles complaining about that.

I don’t see waist trainers/girdles/corsets as any more oppressive/different than getting, say, plastic surgery, hair extensions, or tattoos. But the reasons you do wear a waist trainer/corset should be for your own happiness, not because society or someone else wants you to do it.