
There needs to be more Joan, Betty, and Jane and much less Megan. No offense to Jessica Pare, but Megan is boring compared to the rest of the female cast.

Am I the only one who hopes for another Joan and Roger affair? I just want Jaon to finally be happy. She has the worst things happen to her.

Betty is a multi deminsonal character. She has her faults, but there are reasons for them. Just like with Don. I think that's what I like so much about madmen; all the characters are so terrible at times but also so good.

Betty wasn't always a nagging bitch. Don turned her into one though. It seems like he did the same with Megan.

Nope. I miss that too. I hated that he did that to Betty though. I remember watching the first season and thinking, he loves her, they have sex, whats wrong with this marriage ? And I remember Midge telling Don that she likes being his medicine, and I was like," Ohhhhhhh" makes sense now. But anyway, I wouldn't mind

I was confused too. I always thought that Don wanted to be with someone he could be honest with ( isn't that why he cheated on Betts? Cuz he couldn't be honest with her like he was with his mistresses?) but he was honest with Faye. But I remember reading somewhere that Don wanted Faye because she reminded him of Betty

I love her too! She's such a complex character. But I feel like I'm the only Betty fan who doesn't feel bad for her. I mean, why are we pitying this woman? Because she's a bored housewife? And don't tell me it's because Don cheated on her. She only knew about Bobby and had affairs of her own. Yeah his huge lie did

But is it for the same reason why Don Draper cheated on Betty? According to Matt Weirner, it was because Don was looking for his mother in these other women, a woman who can save Dick Whitman. Makes sense; Don only seemed to cheat on Betty when he was sad or upset about something.