
Lucky you.

Doesn't think just make it easier for her to shoot it down?

This would be much cooler with lasers and explosions.

Such a fabulous looking and functioning diy project, but after all that fabricating couldn't they at least add some Ewoks to the background...

Seriously what kind of piece of shit do you have to be to spend all this time defending people commit insurance scams?

Gives you work experience, idiot. It’s better than an empty application. Gaaaaaahd you are stupid.

Yeah actually. I don’t like trashy people. You don’t have to be trashy if you’re poor. You can certainly make ends meet on minimum wage. You might not be living in the lap of luxury, but you can absolutely get by. Try not to get a tattoo on your neck when you’re a teenager. That mocking voice that trashy people use to

Yeah, that is shitty. Though I don’t know why you’d be working both of them on the same day and choosing places that are an hour away, but decisions like that are why you are struggling to get by. But by all means, run in front of someone’s car so you can have their money. You are entitled to it, afterall. That’s a

No reason you can’t work 40. You can have two jobs to make up for companies not letting you get 40. If you’re not going to school, there’s really no excuse to not be working at least 40. Oh yeah there is. They don’t want to. Also $175 a week for one person is a fucking lot. Maybe not order a stuffed crust meat lover’s

Ahem, PR finally got back to us. Here's the official version

Green? That hourglass is clearly blue and black.

Baron Harkonnen banned me from Arrakis for the same reason.

too much conflict is associated with -stans. We should be Jaloponopolis. I think it's got a better ring to it

About the only realistic application for that thing would be anchoring it next to an uninhabited monkey-filled island and declaring your own country.

Three rings for the Sporty-kids, under the sky,

Natural selection begins early. In the words of George Carlin: "Kids who eat marbles don't grow up to have kids who eat marbles."

Damn these people. Just... damn them.