I love everything about this story.
I love everything about this story.
So you are really just here to state that his comedy is not your cup of tea.
Martha is still cuter than every single pug that has ever lived. #comeatmebro
I wager that if Salvador Dali died the owner of a small engine repair shop with 250 Lira and a battered Fiat Chroma to his name, no one would be wasting a dime on paternity claims.
Why is it still a thing that if you’re a biological child of somebody, you deserve to inherit something, even if you had no relationship or even met each other? I could understand her mother suing the estate for back child support, but the (potential) daughter should have no claim.
SAME. She’s really helping matters by filming this and being rude AF. If you’re so worried about that girl, YOU try and catch her!
I’m more upset with the woman filming than I am with anyone from the park.
the fuck is he sitting on? his left leg is bent way back there, but the cape and placement of ass would dictate the necessity of something to sit on. or is he just like “eyyyy check out super angry magneto’s balls while he spreads wide on a pile of forks and knives”!??!?
No, this is not how it works fellas. It is the job of the police to interact with the the public without, y’know, killing them.
How ‘bout a bill that requires classes teaching police how to interact with kids?
It was heavily implied in Skyfall that Craig’s Bond was bisexual (or at least, he’d experimented). Baby steps..
I think the only costume thing the movies ever got right was Magneto’s helmet.
Sir Ian McKellan appreciates a good knuck.
If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?
Why aren’t the NRA folks rioting over this? A responsible gun owner did everything you’re supposed to do but was killed.
I’m assuming that the testimony of the only witness - Castile’s girlfriend - was not considered at all.
She could have been holding a knife because she was barbecuing in the backyard! She could have been holding a knife because she was afraid of the burglar she called them about (yes, mental issues, I know, but...)! IT’S NOT ILLEGAL TO HOLD A KNIFE.
You forgetting this video in the article.
Shooting yourself in the foot is continuing to work a job that isn’t providing the pay/benefits you need.
Something to keep in mind for those of you not working in creative fields:
Imagine, for a moment, that the iconic element of the product you spent months—perhaps years—of your life on were brought to market without your ever having been involved.
Could that product still have been completed?
Would it still be…