As evidence, you need look no further than Reade’s own Twitter timeline. Before she became a big-time Sanders supporter, she strongly supported Biden, including praising his work towards halting violence towards women.
As evidence, you need look no further than Reade’s own Twitter timeline. Before she became a big-time Sanders supporter, she strongly supported Biden, including praising his work towards halting violence towards women.
Maybe we should also point out, since this is the actual end-game and saying otherwise is disingenuous at best:
And the female lawyers and journalists who are actually working to bring these cases to light don’t say, “Believe women” means, “Every accusation is the absolute truth, full stop.”
This is the correct take. As important as “believe all women” is as a movement and a state of mind, I’m inclined to think “investigate all accusations” is a safer method.
If I wanted to combat the notion that my sexual assault accusation was politically motivated, I don’t think I’d hire a prominent Trump donor to represent me, then recruit Megyn Kelly to interview me.
Unlined dresses drive me insane in general! And raw fucking hems!
He should be gasping “My bad!” from an ICU bed.
I’ll repeat: Biden isn’t dropping out. If Biden loses, Roe v. Wade will be overturned. Jezebel is an advocacy website, and it absolutely has to ask itself if what it decides, in its editorial discretion, to emphasis or continually report on or push, is in the best interest of the positions it wishes to advocate for.
Meh, I’m a woman and I most certainly do not believe all women. I have had lots of years to observe all kinds of women tell all kinds of untruths. Or alternative facts. And also lots of men muddying the waters if not outright lying. I don’t happen to believe the veracity of this woman’s accusation.
The “media,” as in actual investigative journalist, have already talked about the allegation at length, i.e. the exhaustive NY Times article.
This is a false equivalency, do you really think Biden would have been chosen as Obama’s VP if this was in his background? Why didn’t Tara talk about this last year when Lucy Flores came forward? Also, she’s an alleged thief.
I had. He had been on the shortlist for SC in conservative circles for awhile. He was a prominent conservative on the 2nd most powerful court. In fact, Blasey Ford claims that the first time she mentioned him by name in connection with the attempted rape was in connection with his nomination to the DC Circuit.
Had you heard of brett kavanaugh before he was nominated for the supreme court? Ford came forward because she didn’t want him him on the Supreme Court. That was her objective.
Their podcast and chemistry is so good and unforced. Love them.
Sorry for the Wendy Williams gif but this was my exact series of facial reactions reading that
I demand NSYNC or better. I will accept nothing less; I refuse to compromise on this.
So what you are saying is the hoax was democrats sounding the alarm early about the urgency of the situation. Got it. Keep smoking that pole
The issue is that the people who elected Trump are dedicated to being persuaded by whatever cockamamie lie, excuse, or deflection he comes up with to exculpate himself or whatever. Even if it’s demonstrably false that Trump did or did not do XYZ, his followers will adopt whatever position validates their desire to…
That was one battle I did fight from the day they came home from the hospital. The children NEVER slept in our room. Not even on day 1. My mother-in-law lived with us when #2 was born. It was a HUGE fight between us, and she spent some nights sleeping on their floor so they wouldn’t be alone. I didn’t care if she…
Yes... multiple times. Nice restaurants too. I can’t believe there are more than 1 people out there willing to change babies on planes. Gross!