
Unless your phone was hacked. Unless your webcam was hacked. Unless the pictures were taken without knowledge. Unless they snagged your post op photos from your doctor. Unless no one has the right to post naked photos of others without their permission regardless?!

Several things seem to be converging here. Issues of race, gender, socio-economic status, etc. But most importantly, the driving urge for people to intrude upon the privacy of a mother (or dad) with their baby. Its almost like there is an assumption that because you are out and about with your kid, that gives any

"People equate "white" with "American."

A very quick story:

This fills me with so much SAD! as a large hairy man(i'm shaving tomorrow I promise), I often think about how my actions are perceived by women, I have often taken different routes home, ducked into a parking lot and played games on my phone, or called my mom on the phone to talk with her, so as to not threaten or

You opened by calling someone an idiot, you irredeemable idiot. If you wanted rational discussion, you could have tried opening with anything rational.

ok, you are glossing over "dealing with" here. This "dealing with" is terrifying and yeah, I will encourage shady behavior among all women if that is what they want to do to stay safe. Have you ever been cornered, alone, by a bro who refuses to leave you alone? Shit is scary. Sometimes putting my safety in one hand

Resorting to childish, misogynistic insults to intimidate another commenter? Assuming someone is a certain "type" from their posts?

If you went to college and graduated, your school doesn't deserve accreditation. Do you know that word? If not, go to google and type it in the big box in the middle and then hit the enter key— not the space bar— the enter key. That's the one towards the right that's a few keys wide while the space bar is at the

You never wanted to. You lied about wanting to to cover for having started out with an emotional tirade because someone disagreed with your misogynist bullshit political idols.

Penabler is a dude. God you are painfully dumb.

Says the guy who doesn't know the difference between the space bar and the enter key.

Extremely. I imagine you a bitter, mean, illogical hypocrite with problems with emotional outbursts, a hatred of women, and a feeling that he is entitled to respect from people that he disrespects, because if they are worthy of his disrespect, they don't actually count as people.

OMFG YOU COULD SCROLL UP. You could literally scroll up and answer your own question and you're too fucking lazy to even do that.

Yeah, yeah, trying to get equal rights for all genders = genocide. Whatever, douchecanoe.

Cool, bro. How am I supposed to know which kind of guy you are? How do I know that when I say no, you're not going to follow me for the next 4 blocks prompting me to call the police? Happened.

I guess you missed the part where when ladies act like adults and say "no thank you" lots of men will go nuts and get very violent and scary.

If you feel it's not worth your safety to spare a rando dude's feelings or be upfront then feel fucking free to give out fake numbers, ladies. Men need to learn to accept

and it used to be that if someone you weren't interested in wanted your number, you could just give him a fake one. not anymore. now they text you immediately to see it it's real. now, you HAVE to say, "Sorry, not interested," and deal with the "WTF, Why?" and "Fuck you, you ugly anyways," comments

They could have said no. They were craftspeople, not slaves. No different than the many fine artists who find they have to occasionally do portraits or commissions for things that don't refer to their own work.