
Someone probably told Forever 21 that Ayn Rand was an atheist and also prochoice. And just for fun, here is the Ayn Rand quote t-shirt that I will make for myself. Not because I like Ayn Rand (because I don't) but because I like to mess with people who do: "An embryo has no rights. Rights do not pertain to a potential,

They can just put this in a t-shirt instead. It amounts to the same.

Agreed about the racist myth part. Both on the "black is always huge" and "Asians are always small" counts. And I would also add that it probably doesn't help that porn seems to do everything it can to perpetuate it. It's pretty clear that (generally speaking) porn producers seem to select actors who match these

People really believe this? Have those people ever read any SF? It doesn't take much to find contrast. Kim Stanley Robinson writes SF. Larry Niven writes SF (or his frequent collaborator, Jerry Pournelle). The two do not have remotely similar political ideologies and it shows in their writing. Heck, Robert A

I''ve heard that exact line from guys smaller than 7 inches... And I've had bigger than 7 inches. And I think all the ladies can agree that inches don't REALLY matter, it's just how well you can stop thinking about black penises in bed.

Just a fair warning: The one dude I know who uses Tinder was wayyyyyyy to excited to talk about how amazing Tinder is, and how it helps him cut through "all the girls who don't fit my style." When I asked him what his style is he said girls with glasses are his type because they "are way more accepting." After trying

It's a good sized dick, but certainly nothing to be like, "Baby I'm gonna be the biggest you've ever had".

Hahahaha this was what I came in to comment on too. He's bragging about 7 inches?!? Isn't that like, barely above average? Sorry dude. No one would be impressed by this number.

Double for me. I had a friend read Cryptonomicon and then insist it wasn't SF because it was too good and didn't have aliens and stuff. Another guy insists that Stephenson's Baroque Trilogy isn't SF because it's a historical novel.

7 inches?!?!?! Call the size queens, I think we have a winner!

Society doesn't tell anyone anything. I really loathe this mischaracterisation. It's not like we are all completely isolated, unique individuals and can choose ignore or listen to societal messages absolutely. We all live in a culture with common ideas and values. And it's hard to deny that rape is associated with

I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere here so I thought I'd throw it in. The vagina has many many many sensitive nerve endings that may be connected to the generation of dopamine etc in the brain. (Naomi Wolf's Vagina discusses this near the start, and yes, I know the book was panned, but check it out for some ideas

Thanks. I wrote it on the fly but I think I hit the part that I meant to.

I understand your question and I don't think it's fair that you got so much hate for it. I think that people's reactions to rape indeed reflect a lot of their societal expectations, but it's not just for rape, it's a phenomena common of 21st century western countries. For example, in a war-torn or disease prone

I have been hit and I have been raped (although in a date-rape way, not a grabbed-by-a-stranger way, DON'T CRUCIFY ME JEZEBEL FOR SAYING THERE'S A DIFFERENCE).

Raped, beaten and molested here.

My thoughts on why sexual assault is so much harder on a victim than "just" assault is that sexual interaction is something that is otherwise a standard, and even pleasurable, facet of everyday human life. When something everyday and pleasurable is turned into loss of power and control, humiliation, and so on, that's

Part of what makes rape so bad is not the anatomy of it - it is the hate crime aspect. Being denied a seat at a lunch counter would be a mere annoyance if it was done out of petty interpersonal meanness; being denied a seat at a lunch counter as a reminder that your entire race is both casually and systemically

I would say that in no way does Chris Brown being raped a child mitigate the fact that he beat a woman.

This isn't about how the victims should or should not feel.