
You’re mistaken about Lyft. They have the same business model. Slightly different branding, but in all essentials are the same as Uber. And they are in the news, too. When I first moved to SF there was a huge uproar about Lyft, because of a driver who attacked a passenger, and another who had somehow gotten a

You’re jumping all over the place and conflating a lot of things, which makes your response hard to process and respond to.

I didn’t wanna be a jerk, but I wanted to ask that. Was this a study that based on what the individuals reported? I generally do believe that online harassment is a problem, and that the harassment of women is potentially its own specific problem with gendered aspects. However, if it’s self-reported, that is

Not that I’m thrilled with these shenanigans, but I take Uber all the time, and have for nearly two years. Sometimes multiple times a day. Often I take Uber alone at 2am. I haven’t been sexually assaulted or raped once. I haven’t even been verbally harassed.

Do you seriously think I never went to school or something?

So, let’s see. You’re a teacher. You own a mobile phone, as most people do these days. It serves multiple purposes for you: it is your personal phone, but because your job is a part of your life, you also check work e-mail on it and such. It’s indispensable in your everyday life, but you don’t bring it to work with

I really wanted to rant my heart out at this,

Oh, Christ. I wandered in here and this was the only visible comment. For a second I thought there were no others, and I thought, “Well, why bother, that’s pure gold.”

Yeah, I hear that constantly. So surprised how smart you are. So surprised how articulate you are. So surprised you’re actually a coder and not a marketer.

> The objectivity of ignorance is so empowering.

Except that the cases that are going to be best documented and most conclusive (and therefore best choices for exposes due to the fact that not only are they responsible choices due to being verifiable, but also because they’re least likely to be hand-waved away) are going to be the ones that were best handled. The

I had a dream where one of my coworkers came up to me and gently caressed me. Then he slowly leaned forward and kissed me softly. We made out. Not hard, all sweet. In the dream I felt uplifted.

Hah, I’m glad I’m not the only one who really hates “that”.

I lean toward believing the victim in general, knowing that my belief is irrelevant—and feeling strongly that when it comes toward consequences, innocent until proven guilty should be the guiding principle.

Can someone explain to me how any of this Western wedding stuff makes sense?

So, like, they really should have run that hashtag by me before going with it. It should really be #IDdicts.

That would be amazing!

I used to read Jezebel a lot. But several of my favorite writers left and the whole platform became more ... blog-ish. Too much gossip, too much short commentary, too much random stuff from the middle of a conversation... not enough comedy prose.

I don't get why people want to be so deliberately disingenuous about there being continuities of physical traits.