
She might have a point, you know, if only she weren't totally wrong and willfully blind about it. For example,

Interesting. I suppose if I read both studies rather than the articles about them they would be somewhat different.

Pretty hard wired

I regret not having been more sexually adventurous when I was young, too.


And that's a fair point, absolutely. But the end result is not likely to be that "women are hard wired to be monogamous and there's nothing we can do to change a toxic culture built around that."

Didn't ya'll post this a year ago? The "rag doused in oxytocin" article?

No, that's the other part of the scenario. The woman is bad at technology, the geeks (men) have no social skills. Another stereotype baked in.

No wonder everyone's so grumpy around the holidays.

You know, I am not a big social butterfly. Having few close associates may afford me the luxury of surrounding myself with people who are apparently a minority: those whose brains have folds.

I was very much the same in some ways (and I don't want to give the impression my mom was all about looks—it was just always there, too). But I was a voracious reader and I was more interested in doing things and having interesting thoughts than in fussing with clothes and makeup. Subjective, not objective. In a

"I'm just very lucky," I would say. The thing I didn't notice was how much of my "I" relied on looking precisely the way I looked. I began to feel lazy and disgusting, because I was now fat, and that's what fat people are. Even though I wasn't lazy and disgusting with the same diet and same amount of exercise when

I have always found it sort of creepy, if occasionally flattering, when guys get a nerd boner. "You play video games? You read scifi? You're a web developer?! You're lying, women like that don't exist!"

My mother: "Be sweet, be pretty."

Good point. I never expected to have as much trouble with aging as I do. I'm trying to convince myself that it doesn't matter if I'm beautiful.

Theories: Distance, makeup, and misdirection. Runway models are inarguably thin, but the way they appear so perfect is an illusion. When they're walking, they're caked in makeup and you're looking more at the clothes and frequently crazy hair, usually, than the model herself. I've been told that's why they prefer

It definitely makes me twitch that people keep committing the fallacy of talking about Anonymous like it's some sort of global organization with an agenda and a membership. It's so inaccurate, it's even dangerous. If you expect an Anonymous to be an ethical hacktivist, you have a false sense of security when it

The ironic thing for me is that I gained all my weight due to Depo Provera. Every 3 months I went in for a shot and I'd gained another 20lbs or so—after a year I'd put on 70lbs when I hadn't, previously, ever managed to gain more than 5lbs no matter how much I ate and how little I exercised.

The ironic thing for me is that I gained all my weight due to Depo Provera. Every 3 months I went in for a shot and I'd gained another 20lbs or so—after a year I'd put on 70lbs when I hadn't, previously, ever managed to gain more than 5 lbs no matter how much I ate and how little I exercised.

That part I really liked. I wish they'd kept it to that one random flicker and not put it up again at the end. It gave me this awesome "WTF!"