
"Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something."

Well, that's rude.

See, that's interesting. I think most people outside the community have a picture that a Dom is selfish — thinking about their own gratification first and foremost. But, anecdotally I've noticed that, off the cuff, subs are more likely to talk about their feelings and Doms are more likely to talk about their

I've tried it, too. For me, it's just weird being on top and trying to be dominant is just...laughable. I'm standing there going, "Okay...now what?"

It's interesting phrased that way. Men like status because it furthers their reproductive agenda because women like status.

Naw, it's cool.

Yes, that sounds familiar. And I work a desk job—web development. When I'm working I'm either being incredibly productive and concentrating so much that I don't even notice my bladder is about to burst or I'm not able to concentrate at all.

It's this special food delivery service I use—it's mostly of protein. It's funny, too, because getting protein is easy enough for me (though carbs are the easiest thing, right?!) It's veggies I have trouble with, and eating regularly, so that's why I got the service. You'd think I'd get sick of all the chicken in

Sure, but there are trends (in the sense of tendencies). I get particularly interested in the psychology, about which you have to generalize to some degree in order to provide a framework.

I've never entirely understood how someone can top without plumbing sadistic impulses, though I think the emphasis is control—and control more of oneself than an outsider looking in might realize.

Ever been a bottom? It's absolutely an exploration of self-destructive impulses, but enduring it is an exercise in willpower that has absolutely nothing in common with weakness. I suggest you re-examine that assumption at your leisure.

When I exercise it's quite true I feel better and my estimation of precisely how blech I look is definitely not as extreme. Brain chemicals!

Hard to resist the urge to be a devil's advocate sometimes.

Supposedly my metabolism looks fine every year. This confuses me, because I am pretty sure my base metabolic rate is way slow. I can eat 900 healthy calories a day and still not lose any fat. Yes, I'm sedentary, but that's just nuts!

I have had similar conversations at length. And it's fascinating to me that people who tend to lean toward biological explanations for gender roles say things like:

At the same time? That sounds like a fun party.

Isn't there some evidence that, on a large scale, evolution selects for multiple favorable psychologies? I seem to recall some studies that gave me the impression that it was likely there is an ideal mix of complementary tendencies. One of the studies was related to autism, I think...

I don't think that's what s/he is saying, though. I wasn't sure at first but as I follow this discussion s/he seems to just be saying: people have confirmation bias. The end result? Both claims are specious. I see general two perspectives. One is primarily concerned with acknowledging fundamental human

Really insightful summary.

Liked all your comment except the part about women being horrified by male sexual desire. Huh?